You Are My Gravity

Chapter 902: Second marriage

Gu Jingyuan said: "Everyone is innocent and guilty of his crimes. Presumably, this person hasn't been staring at these things for a day or two!"

Zhou Ping nodded.

Maybe for so many years, they have been under the surveillance of others.

Before the founding of the People’s Republic of China, the Zhou family had always been a well-known metaphysical family. Anyone in their business would definitely think that the Zhou family must have left a lot of good things.

Now there is only a daughter like Zhou Ping left in the Zhou family. Those who are secretly stalking may not be able to suppress the idea of ​​hitting them on these things.

Qin Se thought the back spine was a little cool, "Mom...this...this is too scary..."

When she thought, maybe for so many years, someone had been staring at them secretly, Qin Se felt quite terrible.

"Then why, they haven't done it for so many years."

Zhou Ping said: "Probably, the timing is wrong? Or maybe we think too much. They only learned about it recently..."

But no matter which one it is, if the other party hasn't given up on it, he will probably continue to look for it.

Gu Jingyuan said: "Mom, don't worry, I will arrange for someone to check it. When the tomb is finished, we won't stop here. We will go back in the afternoon. It is not safe here."

Zhou Ping nodded: "Okay, I'll go back this afternoon."

Originally, Zhou Ping wanted to stay here for one more day to visit relatives and neighbors who were close to him before.

But now, everything has to be hurry up.

Zhou Ping stood up, "Let's go, don't waste time, pack everything up, put it in the car, and let's go sweep your father's grave."

In Zhou Ping's view, the things at home are the things that her father left her that are valuable, and the others are not important.

Qin Se nodded and went downstairs with Gu Jingyuan holding things.

The bodyguards have already carried all the gifts in the trunk upstairs. When they return from the grave sweeping, Zhou Ping will take Qin Se and Gu Jingyuan to send them from house to house.

At this time, a group of people were standing downstairs.

There are some neighbors downstairs, mostly retired grandparents, as well as full-time housewives who have no job and bring children at home.

Sister Yang’s mouth is so fast that the gossiping speed is so fast that the community is not big. Her loud voice and broken mouth, just a short time, almost everyone in the community knows.

Auntie Yang kept saying that Qin Se was not serious, and that the man she was looking for was not serious, and many neighbors wanted to come over and see what happened to Qin Se's second-married husband.

When Qin Se and Gu Jingyuan came downstairs, they were shocked when they saw so many people standing in front of their car.

However, Zhou Ping is not surprised at all. With her understanding of Sister Yang, she can naturally imagine what she has done to go upstairs to them. Anyway, she would definitely not say anything good. People can't learn to be quiet for a lifetime, and their eyes are crooked to the belly button.

People like this will sooner or later get into trouble because of her mouth.

Standing in front of Qin Se Gu Jingyuan, Zhou Ping greeted everyone generously: "Everyone has eaten. I haven't seen you for a long time, are you all right?"

An aunt in the crowd asked, "Sister Zhou, I heard that Shanshan from your family brought your uncle back to visit the grave?"

Zhou Ping nodded: "Yes, today is the new uncle coming home, take him to show Shanshan's father."

Someone asked again: "This is your aunt who married Shanshan and married again!"


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