You Are My Gravity

Chapter 911: Hold the ground

Qin Se asked: "Mom, now go back and divide the gifts?"

Zhou Ping nodded: "Yes, let's see some of your cousins ​​first, we will go back after the gifts are divided."

Qin Se suddenly remembered something and hurriedly asked, "Oh, yes, Jing Yuan...said to invite the neighbors to eat, where to eat? I haven't seen you make a restaurant, so why invite them?"

Gu Jingyuan returned to her: "At the Four Seasons Restaurant, I will make a reservation before I come."

Qin Se and Zhou Ping were very surprised. They had decided before they came. Is this guy thinking so much in detail?

I remembered this kind of thing, but they didn't remind anyone.

Moreover, the Four Seasons Hotel is not one of the best restaurants in their county.

No wonder when he was in the community, he could say so calmly to invite everyone to dinner.

It turned out that there was an arrangement long ago.

Gu Jingyuan knew what they were surprised about. He smiled and said, "Invite relatives and neighbors to eat. This is all right. After all, I have been walking around in the mall for many years. If I can't even remember this, why would I be ashamed to be the son-in-law of the Qin family... …"

Zhou Ping nodded in satisfaction: "You child is real."

Gu Jingyuan smiled: "'s not my reality, I just think that being your son-in-law cannot make you lose face."

Please don't underestimate those people for dinner. Gu Jingyuan really doesn't care at all. What he cares about is that people in his hometown follow the same rules. Whoever marries a daughter or a wife should go to the restaurant to invite relatives and friends to have a meal.

If they are not invited to their home, others will definitely make irresponsible remarks to Zhou Ping secretly.

Moreover, if you have a son-in-law, how can you not show off in front of your old family?

Since he is here, he must support his mother-in-law.

The corners of Zhou Ping's lips rose, and the child was thinking.

Qin Se poked Gu Jingyuan: "You think a lot."

"That's natural."


They came back from the graveyard at about 11 o’clock and took the gifts. They hurriedly visited several neighbors who had a good relationship with Zhou Ping, gave the gifts, and then told them where the hotel was. At 12:30 there was a car on time at the gate of the community Then, let them bring the whole family over.

After the neighbors had visited, they drove to several relatives living in other places in the county, as well as two friends of Zhou Ping.

Tell them that my daughter is back with her son-in-law. At 12:30, she set up a banquet at the Four Seasons Hotel and invited them over for dinner.

They didn't stay long in every house, put down their gifts, said a few words and left.

At 12:30, many cars stopped at the gate of Qin Se's community.

The neighbors in the community were all surprised. Before the car came, they were actually dubious.

After all, there are quite a few of them. They have booked a restaurant and let people come over to pick them up. Isn't it a great job? Nobody in the community has done such a comprehensive job of getting married, so people can't make mistakes.

When everyone was waiting, someone was already yelling there, saying that Zhou Ping’s son-in-law must be a liar, just bragging, otherwise why, I’m waiting here, why don’t they go?

But after talking, the car arrived at 12:30, not too soon or late, very accurate.

When the car came over, all those who had just said that Gu Jingyuan bragged all shut their mouths.

A long row of black cars, even the logos are the same.

Stopped at the gate of the community, it looked particularly spectacular.

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