You Are My Gravity

Chapter 913: Good death

The face of the speaker was a little panic.

After hearing this, Zhou Ping was both surprised and not surprised!

Because she could see that the son of Sister-in-law Yang's family died sooner or later. After all, too many unhelpful things were done, and no one could stop him from dying.

It's just... in time for today, and just after she finished speaking, that... is indeed a bit surprising.

Zhou Ping asked in a low voice: "What's the matter?"

The neighbor told Zhou Ping that when she was eating at noon today, Sister-in-law Yang went away cheeky. Not only did she go, she also called her maiden family. A group of nearly 10 people, sitting there was noisy and noisy , People will be upset when they see it.

Even if someone ridiculed her, she didn't hear it, and she was thick-skinned and scary.

For this kind of person, she won't be embarrassed about anything you tell her.

Everyone thought that Sister-in-law Yang had been cleaned up by Zhou Ping before, and she would definitely not go again.

Everyone was very happy for a meal, but because the group of Sister Yang made everyone feel bad.

Halfway through the meal, Sister-in-law Yang's phone rang. When she answered the phone, she just brought a plate of braised hoofs and grabbed the chopsticks.

She was stunned before she grabbed anyone, and after a while everyone heard her scream.

Then he sat down on the ground, then slapped his thighs and began to cry and yell.

The voices of everyone gradually disappeared, and they all looked over curiously.

From the shouts of Sister Yang, everyone finally heard what was going on.

Sister-in-law Yang's son is dead!

The call just now was made by someone from the police station. The body of her son Yang Xin was at the police station in Qingcheng, a neighboring city. She asked her to take the body back in two days.

How exactly he died, no one knows.

But someone came to ask, but Sister-in-law Yang cried and screamed, as if she was crazy, cursing Zhou Ping all the time, and cursing all kinds of ugly words.

Everyone couldn't ask anything at all.

Sister-in-law Yang’s relatives were afraid that if her son died, there would be some trouble that would trouble them, so they stopped eating, and ran away all the things on the table.

This behavior really makes everyone contempt.

Although the neighbors despise what Yang Sister-in-law does on weekdays, they really can't stand by when something like this happens. After all, they have been together for so many years, good or bad.

Moreover, Sister-in-law Yang’s man went out to work, and his daughter married out. No one else in the family could help him.

The neighbors sent Sister Yang home and called the Qingcheng Police Station to inquire about the specific situation.

Only then did I know how Yang Xin died.

Although the death is a big one, after hearing the police, everyone really felt that Yang Xin really deserved it, and it could even be said that fortunately he died.

The guy owed too much gambling debt, and ran out to avoid the debt.

But he was not honest outside. He got involved with the lover of a small drug gang leader. After stealing Qing was arrested, he was beaten again. Then the small leader forced him to help them sell drugs and told him if he could Success not only spares him, but also gives him a sum of money.

For the money, Yang Xin went.

The way they sell drugs is to hide drugs in the human body and swallow the packed drugs into their stomachs.

As a result, Yang Xin was unlucky for his first drug trafficking and was targeted by experienced anti-narcotics police.

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