You Are My Gravity

Chapter 921: Human heart

Someone said: "Good, good, you can't say that, everyone knows each other somehow..."

Qin Se was not polite at all and said, "Since you are so kind, go by yourself, why are you looking for us?"

Zhou Ping said indifferently: "Even if you are a Bodhisattva who saves you, when you choose to help others, you will look at people. I don't have the cultivation base of a Bodhisattva, let alone the heart of the Mother of God. It doesn't count for me to give her money. What, but...I’m not at ease. Why should I do something to scold myself after I've broken money? If you are willing to help her pay off the debt, just go! Don’t come to me."

"Yang Xin had such an end. It was caused by Sister Yang herself. How she educates Yang Xin in the past. Every one of you knows, how can you not forget all of them? In the past so many years, I I have been reminded more than once. Similarly, I have been scolded more than once. I have done everything I should and should not do. I have a clear conscience."

Zhou Ping finally explained, in fact, she really didn't want to explain.

However, facing so many familiar faces, Zhou Ping still patiently defended herself.

Although, her excuse was actually useless.

Probably for these neighbors, she did not help, that is wrong.

If you have money, you should help.

To some people, it really doesn't make sense.

They just stand on the vantage point of morality, and then use the standards of the Virgin to measure others. Of course, they never do it themselves.

Everyone was said to be helpless, they could only sigh, Zhou Ping was too helpless.

After all, let them pay, none of them are happy.

They had no choice but to let Zhou Ping and the others leave.

The car drove slowly away from the community.

The neighbors in the community watched from beginning to end, and then made some so-called "voices of justice", but no one dared to step forward to stop it, and no one was willing to spend money.

Qin Se leaned on Zhou Ping and said, "Mom, I find that people's hearts are really complicated."

Zhou Ping touched her face: "If a person is afraid of ghosts, then he is still a naive person, because he has not been hurt by complicated human hearts. Human hearts are the most terrifying thing in this world."

Gu Jingyuan looked at Qin Se and said in his heart: I will help you isolate all the sins in this world.

Zhou Ping asked Gu Jingyuan: "Xiao Gu, did you call the police?"

Gu Jingyuan nodded: "Well, the police should be there soon. That woman will not be beaten too hard..."

Zhou Ping is a kind person, she will not help Sister Yang to pay back the money.

However, she will still save her life.

After the police passed, at least the debt collectors would not be allowed to hurt Sister Yang again.

Zhou Ping knows that most of those neighbors will not report to the police because the county is small, and the loan sharks are tyrants in the county. Those neighbors are afraid that if they call the police and the loan sharks know that they will retaliate in the future.

Therefore, they dare not.

After all, people's hearts are unpredictable!

In this world, there are many people who want to protect themselves wisely and restrain others with morality.

After Qin Se and the others left, it was only five or six minutes before the police arrived.

When the police went, Sister-in-law Yang had been beaten with a bruised nose and swollen face.

The police quickly arrested those who had beaten the debt collectors and ran out. .

The police told them that debt collection is okay, but they can’t hurt people.

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