You Are My Gravity

Chapter 925: Unfortunately

The doctors are also very helpless. The best pediatric specialists in their hospital have come, and all available methods have been used, but at most, they can temporarily lower the child's body temperature.

Then, not long after, the child's body temperature began to rise again, and this has been repeated for a long time.

Nowadays, the pediatric doctor saw Wei Hongsheng and the others sending the child over, and they were all startled.

Because they really can't help it.

The doctor said truthfully: "Mr. Wei, as doctors, we are really unwilling to give up every patient, but doctors are not gods, we can do only limited, we have done our best, but...for your child’s disease, we I can’t find a better solution for the time being. Let’s tell you that, in the past few days, we have united several authoritative pediatric experts from top domestic hospitals, and we have also found some Chinese medicine experts to study your child’s condition. Everyone We are really sorry for not being able to draw a definite conclusion, sorry."

The hospital really did their best and tried their best. They analyzed the blood samples of Wei Hongsheng's son again and again, hoping to find out the cause.

But no, none at all.

This time Wei Hongsheng sent his son over again, and the doctor also found out that this time the child's condition was more serious than last time, and now he has symptoms of convulsions.

They also tried to wake the child, but it didn't help. The child clenched his teeth and closed his eyes, and couldn't even drink a sip of water.

If this continues, even if he does not wait for his five internal organs to fail, he will be starved to death.

The doctor is also worried, but there is no way.

Can't think of any way, this son of Wei Hongsheng is really peculiarly ill, and it is so strange that it makes people confused.

Wei Hongsheng’s wife slumped to the ground crying, “Our old Wei is dedicated to charity, helping so many people and saving so many people, why, our own children have to suffer such things..."

Wei Hongsheng covered his eyes and cried.

Everyone felt sad, and no amount of comfort at this time was futile.

Although the doctor also sympathized with the Wei family and his wife, he hesitated for a while and still said, "Or, go to another hospital. Maybe other hospitals have a good solution?"

If this child died in their department, and Wei Hongsheng went back to pursue it and blamed them on them, it would be unlucky.

Although Wei Hongsheng is a philanthropist, this is his only child after all. This child is born, and there is no guarantee that Wei Hongsheng will not anger other people.

Therefore, the doctor hopes to send this disaster out.

Xiang Qiuchi walked to the bedside and talked about the child's breathing.

Breathing is a bit weak, and the pulse seems to be exhausted. If the treatment fails, the child may not last long.

A pediatrician was surprised to see Xiang Qiuchi, and asked in a low voice, "Doctor Gu, are you here?"

Xiang Qiuchi said: "I just heard that the child is strangely ill, so I came to have a look, what's the matter?"

"Yes, it's really weird to be sick. The cause of the disease can't be detected at all. The child has no injuries on his whole body and is not healthy, but he doesn't wake up and has a high fever."

Xiang Qiuchi said lightly: "Since medicine can't solve it, why not think about other non-medical methods."

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