You Are My Gravity

Chapter 928: Very strange

Xiang Qiuchi: "..."

He rolled his eyes and said, "Thank you Auntie, I do want it, but a pity... My child's mother hasn't appeared yet, so I can't give birth!"

Bai Lu screwed on the lid and glanced at Xiang Qiuchi: "You don't look like you have a child. Why do you suddenly ask, did you bump into it?"

Xiang Qiuchi said in his heart, I think you can't ask for it, I don't know you as much as you are in pain.

So he told the situation yesterday.

"Yes, I met. Yesterday, I was sent to an emergency department at the hospital. A child was flushed with a high fever. He was unconscious and convulsed all over. I asked the nurse and found out that the child has had a high fever repeatedly for more than half a month. I went to several hospitals in Kyoto to no avail. The fever was used to reduce fever, but the fever was temporarily reduced. I think something is wrong with the child."

Bai Lu yawned: "If something is wrong, it's right. This is the standard child is frightened, but... it lasts for more than half a month and still has a coma. This is a bit serious. Probably, there are other things. the reason."

It is very simple for children to scare off the soul. It is to help the child call the soul. If the soul is not good enough, then put some tributes and shout a few voices.

Xiang Qiuchi frowned: "Serious? Isn't this situation just being blinded?"

Bai Lu shrugged: "How did I know that I didn't see him in person again, but is it possible that after you became a doctor, you really started to want to help the world and save all living beings?"

Xiang Qiuchi didn't care about Bai Lu's jokes: "Pudu sentient beings have never thought about it, but since you are a doctor, you must always love this profession."

He never thought about loving the world as well, but if he could help himself, he still wanted to do it.

After all, he is different now from when he was a killer.

In the past, he was a mind to kill people, but now he puts on that white coat, and he feels that he has an extra responsibility on his shoulders, the responsibility of the doctor!

While talking, Zhou Ping came down: "What are you two talking about?"

With joy on Xiang Qiuchi's face, he quickly turned around, and said happily when he saw Zhou Ping: "Aunt Ping...I encountered something yesterday, which was a bit strange."

Zhou Ping opened the refrigerator, looked at the contents, took out some ingredients, and prepared to make breakfast.

"How strange?"

Xiang Qiuchi told Zhou Ping what he had just said to Bai Lu.

Zhou Ping stopped cutting the onion.

"If I just lost my soul, wouldn't it be so serious?"

Bai Lu nodded, and she rolled up her sleeves to help Zhou Ping: "I also think so, the situation he said is too serious."

Zhou Ping asked Xiang Qiuchi: "The doctor is sure that he is in normal health?"

"Yes, it's normal, because he has gone to the hospital for the eighth time, and all the tests he can do have been done."

Zhou Ping was silent for a while.

She is indeed more soft-hearted towards her children, and she is not expecting a good child to die somehow.


"I will not take the initiative to help people see something, not because of others, but because everyone is taboo about this kind of thing. If you take the initiative to help people see something, it will inevitably make people think more, and even encounter some difficult things. I wonder if you moved something and then deliberately cheated money again."

Zhou Ping had encountered this kind of thing in her early years, and she had eaten it for a while, but then she never asked anyone to help. .

Your kindness will sometimes be trampled on.

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