You Are My Gravity

Chapter 930: Get angry

"Oh, Wei Hongsheng, he took his child out of the hospital at five or six in the morning..."

The nurse nodded again and again: "Yes, I'm discharged..."

Xiang Qiuchi was surprised, "Is the child alright?"

The nurse shook her head: "That's not true... The child had a fever of 39 degrees when he left, but Mr. Wei didn't know what was going on. He refused to leave the hospital before. Later, he went out. After returning, he had to take the child with him. Go out, no, the discharge procedures have not been completed yet!"

Xiang Qiuchi nodded: "Okay, got it, thank you..."

When Xiang Qiuchi left, he was a little puzzled.

Wei Hongsheng’s feelings for his son are true, after all, he is such a son.

Therefore, he insisted on taking his son away, it seems that he had other ways to save his son.

It is estimated that what the pediatric doctor said to Wei Hongsheng yesterday worked. He went to find a helper, but he didn't know if it would succeed.

However, these are not what Xiang Qiuchi can worry about.

However, with Wei Hongsheng's contacts and financial resources, it is not difficult to find a master.

Xiang Qiuchi put the matter down for the time being, and went back to work.

However, before reaching their department, a nurse in their department hurried over: "Doctor Gu, Doctor Gu..."

Xiang Qiuchi asked: "What's wrong?"

"Our department, there is an emergency department... you go now."

Xiang Qiuchi quickened his steps, "Emergency? Are there no other doctors? Are there many wounded?"

The nurse shook her head, with four words written on her face: It's hard to say a word.


"What's the matter? Any other information?"

The nurse nodded and said, "This wounded is a bit special, and the other party said that he must be the best doctor in our department..."

Xiang Qiuchi smiled and said, "Are you complimenting me? I'm not the best doctor in our department."

He is not a doctor, he is only more experienced in suturing wounds.

The nurse whispered: "Dr. Gu, you are now the best doctor in our department in suturing trauma..."

Xiang Qiuchi asked: "Is the other party seriously injured?"

The nurse sighed: "You will know when you go."

Xiang Qiuchi was puzzled and hurried back.

But when he saw the injury, his mood instantly became bad.

He saw a middle-aged woman with a mouthful of blood, standing in the ward, screaming and shouting: "What about the doctor, why the doctor hasn't come... If our Xinyan has scars, who can be responsible for it?"

Xiang Qiuchi said coldly: "Do people from which country read? Are they illiterate?"

The woman turned her head, her eyes lit up when she saw Xiang Qiuchi, her eyes looked like radar, and she quickly scanned Xiang Qiuchi up and down.

She lifted her chin and pointed her nostrils to Xiang Qiuchi: "Who do you think is illiterate?"

Xiang Qiuchi said lightly: "It's not illiterate, it's blind. Go out and go to the ophthalmology department on the 6th floor, thank you!"

The middle-aged woman gritted her teeth angrily: "Do you know who I am? How dare you..."

Xiang Qiuchi interrupted him: "You are not blind, why can't you see these words? This is the hospital, not your studio. If you want to make trouble here, get out of here."

The nurses cast their admiring stars.

Doctor Gu is great, Doctor Gu is great!

This is the first time they have seen Xiang Qiu Chi getting angry, and this fire makes people more obsessed with him. .


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