You Are My Gravity

Chapter 932: Lighter

Tong Xinyan's agent was stunned, "Gu's family? Which Gu's family?"

One of the nurses standing behind Xiang Qiuchi couldn't help but said, "Which Gu's family is there in this city?"

Tong Xinyan's agent was dumbfounded for a while, her eyes looked at Qiu Chi with inquiry and a trace of fear.

Of course she knows the Gu family. Those who are in their circle, the powerful and powerful in this city, can't understand them all.

They wanted to catch Gu's line more than once, but unfortunately there was no chance.

Tong Xinyan's agent remembered that he had just said to Qiu Chi, "We take care of the family, and my heart moved, is it... this person is from the Gu family?"

When Xiang Qiuchi saw that they were not talking, he knew what they were thinking. He said coldly: "Do you want to see a doctor, or if you don't see a doctor, don't waste our time here, waste public resources, the number of patients behind, etc. Now, I want to find someone who will serve you specifically, and I will pay for it myself."

Xiang Qiuchi's words were not polite, which embarrassed both Tong Xinyan and her agent.

The agent feels that if she admits counseling now, how will she face?

She gritted her teeth and said: "We are naturally going to see the injury. My attitude just now was not good enough, but as a doctor, is this attitude good?"

Xiang Qiuchi said with disdain: "My attitude towards you is your attitude towards me. In my place, no one wants to be special. If you want to be special, just leave by yourself."

The nurses behind him were probably infected by his talent, and they helped to speak to Qiu Chi.

"Our doctor Gu has never been angry before, and today is the first time."

"Yes, our doctor Gu is the most kind person..."

The agent and Tong Xinyan heard that Doctor Gu, that's right... This must be the Gu family.

The minds of the two have reached the synchronization update at this moment.

The agent gritted his teeth and said, "I...Okay, I apologize, can you please help Xinyan quickly look at the injury? When she was shooting the advertisement, her left leg was seriously injured because the props failed..."

The nurses rolled their eyes one after another. Exposure? 40 million fans?

He glanced at Tong Xinyan at Qiuchi, "That leg."

The agent said quickly: "Left leg."

Xiang Qiu Chi frowned and looked down at Tong Xinyan's left leg, "What about the injury?"

Tong Xinyan, who had never spoken, lifted the hem of her long skirt a little, and said softly: "Trouble the doctor, the wound is very painful, the doctor... please wait a little longer."

Tong Xinyan's voice is soft, gentle, and very nice. It sounds a bit like acting like a baby, but it doesn't make people feel offensive.

Xiang Qiuchi frowned even more, and saw Tong Xinyan wrapped a bandage around her left calf, which should have been simply treated before coming.

He put on his gloves, squatted deeply to untie the bandage, and then saw the wound.

Xiang Qiuchi was black at the time, and there was a sentence in his mind: I bought a watch last year...

Your uncle, this is called serious injury, this is called serious injury!

I want to swear, I want to beat people, I want to kick this so-called star.

Tong Xinyan's outer calf had a scratch about 5 cm in length, which only slightly injured the epidermis with bleeding, but the blood had stopped at this moment. .

Lao Tzu's hand used to hold a gun and held a knife. Although he is no longer a killer, he holds a needle for sutures and a scalpel.

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