You Are My Gravity

Chapter 934: dislike; despise

Xiang Qiuchi couldn't hold back for a while, the hostility on his body was exposed, and the cold eyes were so scared that Tong Xinyan and her agent shut up and did not dare to speak.

The two only felt that they had just been looked at Qiu Chi, and they were all cold, as if a knife was coming across to wipe their necks.

Tong Xinyan was really treated so rudely by a man for the first time.

She was annoyed in her heart, but she was more unconvinced. She was held up for too long. By accident, her desire to conquer was provoked.

After a while, Tong Xinyan raised her hand and fluffed her long hair lightly. She looked at Xiang Qiuchi and showed a smile that she thought was perfect: "Sorry, my agent offended you just now. I'm really sorry... "

Tong Xinyan is very beautiful, otherwise she wouldn't be so red.

She has been in the entertainment industry for so many years and has long known how to show her most beautiful smile.

Xiang Qiuchi didn't speak, and sneered in his heart. Now he apologized, why did he go early.

Before he came, the two of them didn't know how long they had been doing majestic blessings in their department. They really thought they were stars.

Xiang Qiuchi wondered, what kind of three views is it now?

Celebrities...but they are supported by people, but they are well-known. Why do they think they are more noble than others?

When I came to see a patient, did you think it was their hospital begging her to speak for her?

So arrogant and domineering, he was unhappy when he saw it.

Nurse Xiao Liu is already bandaging Tong Xinyan.

Xiang Qiu Chi turned around to go out.

Tong Xinyan hurriedly shouted: "Doctor... you go now, I'm your patient..."

Before Xiang Qiuchi spoke, a nurse ran over with anxious face: "Dr. Gu... Dr. Gu... sent several emergency rooms. One man hacked on the street with a knife and injured several people. All of them sent him. I'm here, two of my injuries are very serious..."

Xiang Qiuchi's expression immediately became serious, and he quickly said, "Xiao Liu is here by himself, and the others, follow me."

Tong Xinyan immediately shouted: "Doctor Gu, Doctor Gu..."

Xiang Qiuchi turned his head and yelled at him: "You shut up and delayed me saving people. I care if you are a celebrity or not, but you will get rid of me. Our Gu's Hospital does not welcome you."

Tong Xinyan was so scared that she did not dare to say a word.

Xiang Qiuchi took the nurse and trot all the way.

After they left, nurse Xiao Liu speeded up her hand, and after bandaging Tong Xinyan, she said: "It's already bandaged. Let's go by yourself. I'm going to help."

Before she finished speaking, she also ran away.

As soon as she left, Tong Xinyan raised her hand and beat the bed hard: "Isn't it just a doctor... I want to see if there are really men in this world that can match my charm..."

There was a hint of worry in the agent's eyes, that Doctor Gu, he did not look at Tong Xinyan from beginning to end!


On the other side, Wei Hongsheng's trustee invited a master.

The master, after inquiring about the situation, also felt that the child might be frightened because he came home too late and was a little weak.

So he went through the normal process and called the soul to the child.

However, several hours passed, it was almost 12 o'clock in the morning, the child was still not awake, and the body temperature was still very high, the situation was very bad. .

Wei Hongsheng anxiously wrote: "Master Ren, what is going on in my son's situation? It's not that I am shocked, why hasn't he woken up yet?"

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