You Are My Gravity

Chapter 946: Soul return

Back to Wei Hongsheng's house in a hurry, four hours have passed.

At this time, it was almost 2 o'clock in the afternoon.

Qin Se was already hungry and swallowed.

She pointed to Wei Pingan, who was lying on the table naked, and said, "Mom, hurry up, put this little boy's soul back into place, let's hurry up to eat, I'm dying, I'm so hungry...too much exercise today Up."

Zhou Ping smiled, "Okay!"

She looked at the sun in the sky. Although it was not the morning, but noon had passed. There was plenty of sun in the sky and the timing was good.

Zhou Ping set up a simple magic circle around the table to lock Wei Ping's three souls and seven souls. This kid was very playful, so as not to release his soul for a while, he still wanted to run out.

After doing all this, Zhou Ping glanced at Qin Se.

"Shanshan, come on."

Qin Se was stunned for a moment: "Ah...I...Mom, I haven't done it before, just in case..."

Zhou Ping encouraged: "It's very simple, I taught you."

Wei Hongsheng said quickly: "Master, this... or you..."

Zhou Ping raised her eyes and glanced over, and Wei Hongsheng didn't dare to say anything more for a while.

Zhou Ping said: "Try it, his soul can't get out, you always have to start trying it yourself."

Qin Se took a deep breath and nodded, "Okay..."

Zhou Ping withdrew from the circle, Qin Se picked up the ball, tore off the talisman, slapped it firmly on Wei Ping's chest, then quickly picked up the brush with cinnabar and chicken blood on the side and drew a line on the talisman. At the same time, he shouted loudly: "Wei Ping An, return to your place!"

There was no wind around, but Qin Se's hair was blown by the wind the moment her voice fell.

But soon, the hair fell off and put it on his shoulders again.

Qin Se quickly turned his head and asked, "Mom... is it done?"

Zhou Ping walked over, glanced at the talisman on Wei Ping's chest, and said, "It's done."

She said to Qin Se: "When you look at the color, it is already slightly darker."

Qin Se lowered his head and took a closer look. As expected, the blood red that she had just painted was already darker.

Wei Hongsheng and his wife clasped their hands tightly together, and hurriedly asked Zhou Ping, "Master, is this the child better?"

Zhou Ping said: "Under normal circumstances, we have retrieved your son's soul, so we should be able to wake up."

However, everything has to wait until the child really wakes up.

Zhou Ping's instinct told her that maybe... it's not that simple.

Wei Hongsheng: "How long will it take to wake up?"

"Under normal circumstances, you will wake up soon, but your son takes too long, it is estimated could it take half an hour."

Zhou Ping said to Qin Se: "Be good, burn Zhang Fu and feed him, so as not to harm his body by the Yin Qi."

"it is good!"

Qin Se asked Zhang Qing to bring a glass of water, clicked a talisman, and threw it into the water.

After the ashes and water were mixed together, they poured it into Wei Pingan.

They are going to watch the situation here. Qin Se is starving and asks, "Do you have food at home?"

"Yes, there are..." Zhang Qing hurriedly asked the servants in the family to bring them up.

Qin Se and the others sat down to have a meal, but Wei Hongsheng and his wife were not thinking about it.

After 20 minutes, Wei Hongsheng and his wife exclaimed at the same time.

Then Zhang Qing saved Wei Pingan, crying: "Peace, peace, you wake up, peace... You scared mom to death..."

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