You Are My Gravity

Chapter 954: Too scumbag

Zhen Baoer now has a headache. Zhen Baoer doesn't know what to say about her parents' marriage. Both of them have a problem.

However, Zhen Baoer is very puzzled. His father is not a rich person. What does the woman outside look after?

Forget it, it's no use thinking about it now, there are too many blind women in this world.

However, Zhen Baoer looked down on her father in her heart.

Although her mother has many shortcomings, she did her best to Zhen Jinbao, her husband, and the family. She did not do anything to be sorry for her husband. She gave birth to three children for him.

Anyone can hate her, but her father can't.

It’s really enough to raise Xiaosan outside, and raise Xiaosan’s children. Does he think he is a local tyrant?

The family is not short of money, it's not that the poor can't open the pot, but this bad karma is not the reason for him to raise a mistress outside, right?

Oh, maybe he would still say that your mother is a tigress, your mother is bitter and mean, so what, these are all excuses.

Tian Jinzhi has never been bitter to him, has never been mean to him, nor has he ever yelled at him.

Zhen Baoer sighed!

Marriage is really scary sometimes.

There is a saying on the Internet that you don’t know if you marry a man or a ghost without having children.

Even if you have been married for many years, you may not understand what the person next to you is thinking.

Zhou Ping patted Zhen Baoer on the shoulder: "It's okay to go back and have a look... However, you don't have to worry too much about this kind of thing. After you go back, let's see what the two of them plan to do."

Zhen Baoer nodded: "Aunt Ping rest assured, I see this kind of thing very openly. If you can live it, then let them divorce. The only thing I worry about is what my mother is doing. She... most of my life. Wandering around with my son and husband, I suddenly encountered this kind of shock. I was afraid of her and it was difficult to accept it for a while.

If Zhen Bao'er is allowed to say to herself, the outside mistresses have brought Xiaoyezhong to the door, what are these kinds of men still doing, for the New Year?

Uh, although that is her father.

However, even if it was a real father, she felt that it was too scumbag. It was not as shameful that she was an older person.

Zhen Baoer went back, hoping to persuade Tian Jinzhi to divorce and get what he should fight for.

Even if it's a divorce, it can't be cheaper for Xiaosan and Xiaoyezhong.

Although, there is not much money at home.

Zhen Bao'er went back with a clear goal.

"It's best if you can figure it out. Go back and persuade your mother."

Zhen Baoer nodded: "Well, I know Aunt Ping, please help me persuade Gu Zhixin not to let him go back with me, he is really inappropriate now."

Gu Zhixin said: "Aunt Ping, I must follow, you don't have to persuade me, I think I am in good health."

Zhou Ping pursed her lips and smiled: "Zhixin is better to follow, in case you really encounter shame, he is better."

Qin Sebailu nodded at the same time, yes!

Qin Se is a person with divorce experience. She said, "Bring a few more people and a lawyer. You will definitely be able to use it when you go back."

Zhen Baoer nodded: "Okay!"

Gu Zhixin knew that Zhen Baoer agreed with him to go back, and immediately said, "I'll be ready to go. You can take me back without worry, and promise you won't be bullied."

Zhen Baoer glared at him: "If your injury gets worse when you go back, I won't care about you."

Gu Zhixin curled his lips: "Are you willing to leave it alone?"


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