You Are My Gravity

Chapter 973: Retribution

Zhou Ping looked indifferent, with a sneer at the corner of her lips: "Your son is not innocent. The father pays the debts. What have you done before, and now you have lost what you have lost. It's just a reward. Since he is yours. Son, there is nothing innocent or innocent."

Zhou Ping's words are like throwing a bomb that is not big or small.

What was said was specious, and Wei Hongsheng and his wife were shocked.

To those who are interested, especially to Wei Hongsheng, it sounds like a life-threatening one.

Father's debt repayment?

He once did... Tit for Tit...

Wei Hongsheng's body was trembling with fear. He looked at Zhou Ping in disbelief, with fear in his eyes: Did... Zhou Ping already knew?

Zhang Qing's body was shaky, she said hurriedly: "Big...Master..."

Zhou Ping looked at the faces of the two and smiled and said, "It seems that you all know it. In that case, I don't have to say any more. Go away. I don't want you to make trouble too ugly.

She said: "Qiuchi, Bailu, you two are closed!"

After speaking, turn around and leave.

Xiang Qiuchi and Bailu were about to close the door immediately.

At that moment, Zhang Qing was so scared that she took two steps with her knees and got stuck in the middle of the door. She shouted: "No master, please don't... Please save your child, except you. , I really don’t know, who else can save it..."

Zhou Ping stopped...

As a mother, Zhou Ping can naturally hear how desperate and sorrow Zhang Qing is. It was a heart-piercing cry from a mother.

Zhou Ping couldn't ignore it, and she couldn't help but hesitate.

She wants...

Just thinking about it, Wei Hongsheng’s voice sounded: "Master, what are you talking about, I... I don’t understand, do you know who I have offended? Since you know, why don’t you hurry up to find Ping An? soul……"

Everyone looked at Wei Hongsheng in shock, as if looking at a fool!

Qin Se smirked: " come to be funny?"

She shook her head with a look of contempt: "You think we all know, why should we help you? Help a murderer, hypocrite? Ha ha... Then we are mentally retarded."

Wei Hongsheng opened his mouth and roared: "You don't want to spit people, what murderers, red mouths and white teeth, don't talk nonsense, I don't have..."

Zhang Qing couldn't help it anymore, and shouted, "Wei Hongsheng, shut up..."

Qin Se looked at Wei Hongsheng coldly: "What have you done? Have you ever harmed anyone? You know best in your heart. Anyway, one life tastes one life, you owe it, and you have to pay it back. The reason is clear. You did it. You didn’t get retribution immediately after the bad thing. It’s not that God has forgotten you, but the time has not yet arrived...

She saw the child in Wei Hongsheng's arms, who was very young, only 7 years old, at a good age of innocence, but unfortunately...

If Wei Hongsheng could wake up in a hurry and confide the truth by himself, they would not ignore it.

It's a pity... a good child.

Qin Se looked at Wei Pingan and said, "Look, retribution is coming."

The muscles on Wei Hongsheng's face twitched and her body was trembling. Zhang Qing turned to look at him without saying a word. Her face was full of tears, her eyes were red and swollen, and the tears rolled down one by one. She was no longer young.

If this child dies, she will never be a mother in this life.

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