You Are My Gravity

Chapter 984: Can't get up

She thought to herself, um, that's right!

Is this the effect she wants?

This is the reaction Gu Jingyuan should have, otherwise she would think she has no charm at all!

This lingering, extremely long-lasting, Qin Se seems to have become a clingy goblin, pestering Gu Jingyuan, making him want to stop, his reason all ran away from home, flying far away, and could not come back for a while. .

After finally resting, Gu Jingyuan patted Qin Se: "Go to sleep..."

Qin Se yawned and glanced at the time, oh, it was past 5 o'clock.

She thought about sleeping Gu Jingyuan twice more as Zhou Ping said, and the yin in her body disappeared, so she cheered up and wrapped her body around Gu Jingyuan again, her face pressed against his neck, her lips rubbed against his skin, acting like a baby: "Don't go to work today, it's raining..."

Gu Jingyuan was taken aback, this is...Is this the second time you want to come?

No, before, every time he coaxed Qin Se to come with him a second time.

Gu Jingyuan touched Qin Se's forehead, worried that he was a sequelae of being possessed, he asked, "Shanshan, what's wrong with you? Is there anything uncomfortable?"

Qin Se opened his mouth and grabbed a piece of Gu Jingyuan's neck, and made an ambiguous nasal sound: "It just feels like you are so handsome, I seem to be inseparable from you..."

She had said so, and Gu Jingyuan felt that if she was more polite, she would not be a man.


Gu Jingyuan overwhelmed Qin Se for the second time.

After the two of them subsided completely, the rain outside got heavier, because it was cloudy and the sky was still a little gloomy.

Gu Jingyuan put his arms around Qin Se who was asleep and closed his eyes and thought, don't go to work today.


At dawn, Zhou Ping, Bailu and Xiang Qiuchi were on the dinner table.

Qin Se and Gu Jingyuan have not yet come down.

After dawn, Zhang Qing called the driver at home to pick them up and left.

Xiang Qiuchi said: "Why these two people haven't come down yet, I'll call them, otherwise the steamed buns and fried dough sticks will not taste good when they are cold..."

Early this morning, Zhou Ping was unwilling to cook, so she ordered a breakfast takeaway, ordered fried dough buns and a few cups of soy milk.

When Xiang Qiuchi was about to get up, he was kicked by Bailu: "You can eat yours, why are there so many things? You take a look at what time, and leave yours as soon as you finish eating. Don’t be afraid of being late for work, or being late. Wage deduction?"

Looking at the time to Qiuchi, oh, it is indeed 8 o'clock. He usually starts work at 9 o'clock and gets it before 9 o'clock.

He sat down: "But these two..."

Bai Lu: "Is there anyone in the family, just wait until they wake up. You are a single dog, what are you worried about as a young couple?"

Bai Lu naturally knew why these two people got up late today, and she knew the method very well.

He twitched the corner of Qiuchi's mouth, and he was kindly fed, but he was shocked.

Zhou Ping cleared her throat: "Hurry up and eat..."

After driving Xiang Qiuchi away, Bai Lu asked Zhou Ping: "You said this kid, after he didn't become a killer, he couldn't keep up with his brain, he was stupid?"

Zhou Ping smiled: "Probably so..."

Actually, Xiang Qiuchi is not stupid, maybe because he stopped being a killer, he doesn't need to worry about his life all the time, his spirit is not so tight, the real person is relaxed, thinking... is not so active. ?

Bai Lu raised his head and glanced upstairs, smiling ambiguously: "Shanshan is pretty good, I guess it's awkward for Xiao Gu."

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