After breakfast, the "husband and wife" sent the little one to school together.

In the car, the little guy had to sit on Gu Junzhu's lap and put his arms around Gu Junzhu's neck. From time to time, his little face rubbed against Gu Junzhu's face, and from time to time he even leaned against Gu Junzhu. Whisper a few words in your ear.

Ye Xingbei looked a little jealous.

The car stopped outside the gate of No. 1 Primary School, and the little guy hugged Gu Junzhu's neck for a long time before he reluctantly got out of the car.

After getting out of the car, the little guy waved at Gu Junzhu and Ye Xingbei three times a step at a time: "Dad, Mom, we have to come and pick up Xiaoshu home after school in the afternoon!"

The little guy called "Daddy" very loudly, as if he was afraid that others would not hear him.

On the pretty little face, there is a lot of joy and showing off.

Gu Junzhu responded with a smile: "Understood, walk well and be careful on your feet."

The little guy called "Dad" several times, walked a long way, and couldn't see it anymore, so he didn't look back and walked into the campus.

Gu Junzhu looked at the back of the little guy who was gradually going away, and sighed softly: "I'm a little jealous of the little sapling's biological father."

All the little guy's admiration and admiration for him are for his biological father.

He enjoyed the simple and passionate feelings of the little guy, clean and pure, without any impurities.

Being supported by such a lovely little guy with wholehearted admiration is very happy.

Ye Xingbei tilted his head to look at him: "I'm not Xiaoshu's biological mother either."

Gu Junzhu was slightly taken aback, but quickly realized that he couldn't help laughing, "I'd have forgotten if you didn't tell me, you brought him up since he was a child, and you are no different from his biological mother."

After a pause, he said again: "Being kind is not as good as raising kindness. Little Sapling is a good boy. Even if he finds his biological parents in the future, you will be his favorite person."

Ye Xingbei looked down at the ground and was silent for a while before saying, "You can do it too!"

"Huh?" Gu Junzhu was slightly surprised: "What?"

Ye Xingbei looked up at him, "Thank you for being so kind to Xiaoshu! No matter what you did to Xiaoshu is real or a show, if you can continue to take care of Xiaoshu to grow up like yesterday and today, you He is Xiaoshu's father! When Xiaoshu grows up, he will definitely honor you!"

Gu Junzhu smiled and shook his head: "You may not believe me, but everything I do to the little sapling comes from the bottom of my heart!"

"He's cute, and you raised him well."

"If your son is an idiot, I will only take on the title of 'father'. If I can pay for it, I can find my subordinates for my efforts. I want me to serve you like this, not to mention doors and windows. "

"But for the little sapling, no matter what I do for him, I will always be sincere."

He rubbed the back of Ye Xingbei's head, curled his lips into a smile, "Director Ye, you are the one who has taught your son well, and you have taught such a good son. People like it at a glance. I can't help but want to make him happy and satisfy him. Don’t worry, I really like the little sapling, I’m not acting on the occasion, I will always treat him well, take on the responsibility of a father, and won’t give up halfway.”

Ye Xingbei looked up at him slightly.

The morning light fell on his face. In the clear morning light, the noble and elegant man was as handsome as a god.

She didn't know what was wrong with herself, and her heartstrings suddenly throbbed.

She looked away, not daring to look any more, her face turned red bit by bit.

"I, my company still have something to do, I'm leaving first." She was flustered, not knowing whether she was afraid or something, and fled in despair.

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