You Are My Unforgettable Love

Chapter 1318: Wedding (13)

Thinking, but suddenly heard a voice, came over, "I'm coming."

After hearing this voice, Qiao Lian stiffened and turned back violently, and saw Lu Nanze stepping forward.

Her eyes narrowed. "Why are you here?"

Lu Nanze lowered his eyes, his eyes flashing inexplicable emotions.

After a while, he said, "Well, I'll give you a marriage."

Qiao Lian: ...

Lu Nanze looked at Shen Liangchuan. "I grew up with Qiao Lian from an early age. I'm the equivalent of her brother, so today's taxi, I'll come.

After hearing this, Shen Liangchuan glanced at Qiao Lian again, and then nodded after a while.

As a result, Lu Nanze sat in the co-pilot seat.

At the wedding, Qiao Lian's father should have taken her hand to Shen Liangchuan. Now, this role is also assumed by Lu Nanze.

The wedding car soon arrived in the hotel.

Outside the hotel, a group of journalists has gathered.

However, this wedding, Shen Liangchuan did not want to let reporters know, so they did not invite them to enter.

When Qiao Lian and Shen Liangchuan got out of the car, they took photos with reporters at the door and walked into the hotel lobby.

The long red carpet spread on the ground makes people look happy.

Everyone who came to this wedding scene came with sincere blessings.

Are all their friends.

Qiao Lian followed in, and was first taken into the lounge to rest, waiting for the official wedding.

But when she was in the room, there was a sound of footsteps at the door.

Qiao Lian looked up in doubt, and saw a slender figure standing at the door.

Qiao Lian's eyes narrowed and she frowned slightly, "Xiao Yi?"

Qiao Yi nodded with a smile and walked in quickly.

He was dressed in a suit and had long legs that seemed to be exceptionally tall.

Qiao Yi stared at Qiao Lian, "Sister, I'm back!"

Qiao Lian nodded, but wondered, "Isn't it going to be late at night? Why are you here so soon?"

Qiao Yi scratched his head. "My brother-in-law arranged a helicopter for me. I finished the exam yesterday and flew directly over it! Sister, your wedding is a life-threatening event, how can I not come?"

At this point, stood up, took out a passbook from his pocket, and handed it to Qiao Lian, "Sister, this is the dowry I prepared for you."

Qiao Lian stunned, looked down, and found that there were 500,000 on the passbook.

This money may not be too much for Shen Liangchuan, but when Qiao Yi went abroad, she only gave him 100,000. Now it turns out ...

She looked up in surprise, "How come you have so much money?"

Qiao Yi laughed, "Be assured, I have a business with a few friends, and my sister got married. Why ca n’t I have a dowry? I remember my dad said before, when you get married in the future, I must give you Prepare a rich dowry, let you smash the other person with money, and let the other party be happy with you. I do n’t have the ability to smash my brother-in-law with money, but I believe that in the future I will definitely be your solid backing. "

Qiao Lian listened to these words and nodded.

There was a lot of emotion.

Thinking, suddenly heard a restless sound coming from outside.

She froze slightly, stood up, and saw Shi Nianyao rush in. "Hurry up, Shen Liangchuan and Lu Nanze, noisy!"

PS: Update today, see you tomorrow ~~

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