You Are My Unforgettable Love

Chapter 1336: Read Yao a

Thinking of this, Mo Xicheng looked up, "Mom, I never thought about going to fight with Mo's family. But if they do something to me first, I will not give up."

In a word, Yao Lili winced.

She clenched her fists.

Anyone who knows Mo Zhi's character clearly understands at this moment that Mo Zhi will push Mo Xi to this path.

In other words, even if Mo Xicheng never thought of going to argue with Mo, Mo Zhi would force him to argue with him.

So today, she must separate the two.

Thinking of this, Yao Lili made a heartbreaking look, "But that's the way ... your brother is still enemies because of a woman ... what else does it mean to be alive!"

After that, I glanced out, and my heart was violent.

Mo Xicheng's eyes were so fast that she grabbed her arm and pulled her back.

Yao Lili had just experienced a frightening battle and her legs were shaking.

But when she thinks about Mo Zhi, she is stronger than her mother. She immediately stood up straight and looked at Mo Xicheng, with a firm look in her eyes. She broke up and I'll show you! "

After saying this, he sat on the sofa next to him.

"If you dare to go, you will walk on your front feet, and you will receive my death on your hind feet!"

She pointed at the door, "Go, go, don't you want me to be a mom? Then you go now!"

The sentence fell, sitting on the sofa, and wept silently.

This look of Yao Lili was a little bit pitiful.

Shi Nianyao stared at her, looked up again, and looked at Mo Xicheng.

Mo Xicheng stood there, his face changed a bit, and he was speechless.

Yao Lili's move just now is true, not a joke.

He knew that if he was gone, Yao Lili really dared to jump.

This woman, for the Mo family, became a lunatic.

But what can he do?

This lunatic is fucking.

Even if she wasn't good enough for him, but ... could he just watch her jump off the building and watch her commit suicide?

Moxi Cheng clenched his fists and stared at her for a moment, not knowing what to say.

On one side is my own mother, and on the other is my own happiness.

He doesn't know which one to give up ...

Just then, the hand was suddenly caught by a warm little hand.

Mo Xicheng shook his head a little and turned around to see Shi Nianyao winking at him. Shi Nianyao nodded Yao Lili with his chin, then nodded.

Although, what she meant was not very clear.

But Mo Xicheng understood her thoughts.

Priority matters ...

What she meant was to ease Yao Lili first.

But in this case, Shi Nianyao will be wronged ...

Mo Xicheng's heart suddenly felt grateful.

On one side was his mother who forced him to die.

On the one hand, she is obviously a big lady, but she is willing to endure all the difficulties for the time being for him.

He lowered his eyes and spoke after half a ring: "Okay, I promise you."

When Yao Lili heard this, she suddenly looked up in surprise.

She looked at Mo Xicheng in disbelief, and then responded after a while, "What are you really saying?"

Mo Xicheng's pupils deepened. "Yes."

Yao Lili immediately became excited. "Okay, I know you are my good son."

Mo Xicheng looked down, "I send Yao to go home."

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