You Are My Unforgettable Love

Chapter 1359: Read Yao a

In a word, the scene was silent!

Everyone stared at her.

Shi Nianyao continued to speak: "An actor, whose basic literacy is acting, do you argue here who is more hot, who is the support of the box office, what is the use ?! The movie is about to start soon, let's see who it is The soul of this movie, let's talk about the others! "

"After watching this movie, you will argue again, who is the box office support of this movie!"

After she said these domineering leaks, she sat down.

The short-haired girl next to her looked up, her eyes glowing.

And Chen Junjie's fans have been calmed down by Shi Nianyao. When he came back, he wanted to argue two words and was dragged by the girl next to him. At this moment, all the lights in the cinema were suddenly turned off, and the movie title was turned off. Song, it's started!

Everyone has a strong mind, staring at the big screen, and want to prove who is more attractive.

The title track ends.

The movie begins.

The first clip is one person riding on the road.

The dust rising from the ground spilled on the people.

The lens is pulled in slowly from a distance.

Immediately, he saw that the rider was Chen Junjie.

He was dressed in period costume, riding on a horse, looking at the extraordinarily professional.

The scene suddenly whispered.

The fan sitting in front of Shi Nianyao glanced back at her immediately, lowered his voice and sneered, and said, "I didn't start with my male **** to attract the eye! And who said my male god's acting skills are not good? That's a lot natural!"

When this sentence came down, Shi Nianyao couldn't help sneering.

At the time of the show, Yao Nian Yao was on the shooting scene. Chen Junjie can't ride a horse. The lens of riding a horse is all shot in a car. The telephoto lens is simply a stand-in.

But she was too lazy to correct anything.

Everyone keeps watching movies.

Chen Junjie rode on the horse, sprinting down the path, and rushed into the welcome room outside the city.

As soon as he arrived, he jumped off the horse.

At this moment, several people were already standing in the welcome room.

Seeing Chen Junjie coming over, everyone greeted each other, Chen Junjie smiled one by one, and then he said, "No one yet?"

Everyone nodded.

Someone said, "I haven't known him since I have been here for several years!"

"Well, this person, when we were disturbed, we were disturbed. This is gone. To be honest, I still miss him."

"Yeah ... Okay, let's wait for him, but it's all three, why isn't it?"

In a few words, the actor was brought out.

And just as everyone was chatting, suddenly I heard someone exclaim, "Come here!"

Everyone looked at it.

I saw a person, short in body, riding on a group of red and healthy horses, and rushing here.

As he ran, he picked up his whip and waved at it.

For a while, stand up! !!

The reason why the stars' images in the film depends on the lens and personal temperament. Although Chen Junjie is not good in character, he is very photogenic. This is why he got angry.

But the stuntman is different. The character of the stuntman is completely different from him. At the beginning of the movie, the riding action was looked chic and carefully pondered, and then he felt that the action was natural, but he did not bring the stars in front of the camera. Temperament and feel!

But now and now!

Mo Xicheng shot on the horse, but he himself took it!

PS: Something was delayed in the morning, see you in the evening ~~

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