You Are My Unforgettable Love

Chapter 1364: Read Yao a

Shi Nianyao was startled, subconsciously covering Mo Xicheng's head, and then pushing him, Mo Xicheng fell into her arms.

Then, Shi Nianyao raised his head, and through the windshield window, he could see that Pu Yun was widening her eyes and staring at them ... but it didn't seem to be staring at them.

Shi Nianyao: ...

Shi Nianya swallowed and looked outside, seeing that Pu Yun was still standing there, as long as he dropped the window and smiled awkwardly, "Pu Yun ..."

Pu Yun immediately became excited, and suddenly rushed over, "Niannian, you are such a person!"

Shi Nianyao bowed his head in guilt, smiled awkwardly, and then said, "I'm not trying to hide you intentionally, I'm just afraid ..."

Afraid of getting married out, what should I do if Yao Lili really comes to suicide?

Before he finished speaking, Pu Yun sighed, "I understand you, I understand, you rich people love to play like this!"

Shi Nianyao: "... Ah?"

What does it matter if this money is rich?

The next moment, I heard Pu Yun say, "Oh, look at you, you absolutely can't think of it, you turned out to be a luxury car! It turned out to be a rich second-generation ... You are really low-key!

Shi Nianyao: ...! !!

So, she was just so surprised, not because she saw the person in the car, but because she saw the car?

Shi Nianyao laughed suddenly, his expression was very awkward!

Looking into the car from the front, but also so close, I can definitely see the man in the driver's seat, but this guy was blinded by a car and went to see the car first!

Shi Nian Yao simply didn't know that he was smiling bitterly, or he didn't know that he should be glad.

She coughed. "Do you have anything to do with me?"

As soon as Pu Yun patted her head, "Yes, I'm leaving. Suddenly I think of something, I'll tell you, and I'll catch up."

"what's up?"

"That's it. Next month, it's Mo Nan's birthday. I contacted his agent and planned to hold a fan meeting in Beijing. Are you not in Beijing? And you are the old man in our group. I'll just ask you, do you want to go? "

Shi Nianyao: ...

Next month is Mo Xicheng's birthday?

On his birthday, of course, she is going!

Shi Nian Yao immediately nodded, "I'll go!"

"Okay, that's it!"

Pu Yun said, "I'll leave a place for you."

After saying this, she looked around her, looked at Mo Xicheng who was in her arms, and did not let her look up, and asked in confusion: "What is your husband ...?"

Shi Nianya coughed. "He is shy and doesn't want to see people."

Mo Xicheng: ...

Pu Yun: ...!

Pu Yun couldn't help but twitched his lips, then nodded, "Well, then I'll go first ~"

Shi Nianyao waved at her, "OK, OK ..."

Seeing that Pu Yun had gone far, Shi Nianyao was relieved, and immediately realized what she was looking down, and then saw that she was in a hurry, and buried Mo Xicheng's face in her arms!

Arms !!

Her complexion turned red all of a sudden, and she quickly let go of Mo Xicheng.

Then his eyes flickered, he was afraid to speak, and stared at Mo Xicheng's awkward cough. "That ... you ..."

Before he finished speaking, he saw Mo Xicheng say, "I'm shy?"

Shi Nianyao: ...! !!

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