You Are My Unforgettable Love

Chapter 1368: Read Yao a

Shi Nianyao: ...

Shi Nian Yao Wan stared at Shi Yan as if he had seen a ghost, and some of his limbs didn't know how to put it.

It feels like parents are caught by a current copy job, which is embarrassing and doesn't know what to say.

She could only reach out and greeted Shi Ye stiffly, "Brother ..."

"When I hung up, why didn't I think I was your brother?"

Shi Nianyao: ...

Shi Nian Yao Li squeezed a smile, then stepped forward, holding his arm, "Brother, did not expect that you would come here, what are you doing here?"

Shi Yan looked down at her, "You said, what am I doing here?"

After he said this, he looked up at Mo Xicheng.

Mo Xicheng took the initiative to take a step forward, "Mr. Shi."

Shi Yan nodded indifferently, then looked at Shi Nianyao, "You are young and ignorant, you know Hu is coming."

Voiceover, Mo Xicheng is old, how can he come?

Who are Mo Xicheng's characters, and how could he not hear the meaning of this sentence?

However, it was ridiculous to betray her sister first, and she did not dare to bump into a big sister-in-law!

Moshi Cheng immediately said: "Brother, I blame me for this incident."

Shi Nianyao: ...!

Shi Yan: ...!

Shi Nianyao looked up and looked at Mo Xicheng in amazement.

Just now, what did Mosey shout?



Shi Nianyao: ...!

She feels that the male **** tonight has refreshed her three views!

Although they are married, it is reasonable to say that he should change his tongue, but why is the male **** shouting and the painting style is so wrong?

Shi Ye also twitched his lips and immediately sneered, "Mr. Mo, shout a bit early."

Very conflicting attitude.

Anyone's sister was abducted and would not be kind.

Had it not been for Shi Nianyao's appearance that he had been violated, he would have been punched up.

Mo Xicheng's face was a little awkward, and there was a bit of red at the base of his ears, but it looked fine on the surface, "No sooner, you are older than me, and I shout brother is not excessive. Today I ..."

"Mr. Mo needn't explain. Everyone is an adult. I understand what you think, but some things don't happen too early."

At this point, he wanted to ridicule Mo Xicheng, but thought that this guy will be his future brother-in-law, even if he is not pleasing to the eye, and he wants to give him a face, so he snorted and dragged Shi Nianyao went out.

Shi Nianyao: ...

Shi Nianyao said directly, "Brother, you're here just right. I've had enough fun with Mo Xicheng here. He's planning to send me home. If you are here, then I can just go back with you. Well, just the way ... ... "

Mo Xicheng: ...

Shi Yan: ...

Shi Yan looked down at Shi Nianyao's look to maintain Mo Xicheng, and snorted coldly, "Your question, come home and talk."

Shi Nianyao: ...

Seeing this, Mo Xicheng took another step forward, "Brother, Mr. Shi ..."

Shi Yan stopped, looked back, and saw Mo Xicheng said, "I don't know if it's convenient for you to borrow a step to speak?"

Shi Yan raised his eyebrows when he heard this.

After a while, he walked to the side.

Shi Nianyao stood in place, watching the two people walk not far away, and then whispered something.

She was nervous, afraid that Mo Xicheng would quarrel with Shi Ye!

But he didn't expect that Mo Xicheng said a few words, Shi Yan's face became dignified,

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