You Are My Unforgettable Love

Chapter 1385: Read Yao a

Mo Xicheng dropped this sentence and left.

The angry Yao Lili covered her heart on the hospital bed, panting heavily.

At this moment, besides being angry, she even gave birth to an inexplicable fear.

I do n’t know if it is because he knows that he is the real young master of the Mo family and the son of Li Shu. From childhood to age, she wanted to have a close relationship with him, but she could n’t get close.

Because every time Mosey stared at her with those eyes, she felt as if Li Shu was staring at her.

She hates Li Shu and hates Li Shu.

Because Mo's father, Mo Hai's sight, will always be on Li Shu's body, and she will only be drunk after a drunk, and in this life, only once ... She likes Mo Hai, and spends all of it here. Youth, just hope to get Mo Hai's attention.

But day after day, year after year, Mo Hai's eyes never fell on her.

She is now desperate for Mo Hai.

She just felt that Mo Hai owed her, and Li Shu owed her!

Therefore, she wants her son to inherit the property of the Mo family. She wants Li Shu's son, Mo Hai Aiwu and Wu's most beloved son to live in the shadows forever!

Thinking of this, Yao Lili clenched her fists.

From childhood to age, as long as she cried and made a noise, Mo Xicheng would listen to her.

She always thought that it was because he was his mother, and he honored himself.

But it seems ... maybe not.

But no, she couldn't keep things out of her control.

She must marry Mo to Shi Nianyao, because all things may change. In the future, the truth of the matter will be revealed, so Mo Zhi has the wife of Shi Nianyao, but she is still capable of competing with Moxi. Mo's.

Therefore, she must continue to work hard!


Mo Xicheng stepped out of the hospital, walking on the street, staring blankly forward.

He knew that Shi Nianyao didn't tell himself the truth, but he was afraid he would be sad.

Moreover, since Shi Nianyao has stepped out of the private room, it also shows that he is in peace.

However, at this moment, he only felt his special sorrow.

From childhood to age, as long as Yao Lili makes a noise, he will listen to her.

But in fact, he has long disliked this life, and it can even be said that he has long disliked her.

There is no doubt that Yao Lili is not good for him.

Always under the guise of doing things that hurt him.

He thought about resisting, as if he had once run away from home.

But then ...

In front of his eyes, the calm pair of Li Shu appeared, as if looking through the eyes of life and death.

It was those eyes with a particularly large number of complex emotions that made him feel like he was being pinched by his heart and could not bear to let her down.

He knew that every time he followed Yao Lili's trouble, Yao Lili always had a reason to go to Mo's father, and every phone call and every cry made Li Shu feel embarrassed.

Therefore, I don't know if it is his illusion.

She always felt that Li Shu's eyes sent a signal with ridicule and disdain.

It ’s like saying, are you acting again? Act, act ...

That look made Mo Xicheng suddenly not want Li Shu to look at him like that.

He is not the same person as Yao Lili, and he will never find a reason for Yao Lili, at least not because of him.

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