You Are My Unforgettable Love

Chapter 1389: Read Yao a

Shi Nianyao: ...

So let's talk about it, or are you watching out for her meeting with Mo Xicheng?

Shi Nianyao was almost speechless. He looked up at the elder brother and saw his eyes resolutely. He knew immediately that if he didn't let the driver at home send him, I'm afraid she wouldn't let her go out.

Shi Nianyao had to say, "Okay, it's late, I don't want to drive yet!"

Shi Yan nodded, called the steward to come out, and arranged the driver to take her out.

Shi Nianyao watched him handle everything, and then looked at him with his arms, "Brother ~"

Shi Yan glanced at her, the meaning in his eyes was obvious: eh?

Shi Nianyao said again, "I have a normal relationship with Mo Xicheng. Do you think too much? Even if we meet at night and meet each other, it may not be the kind of thing ! "

Shi Zhe said without changing his face: "If you meet in the evening and he doesn't do that kind of thing, then I guess I will take him to the hospital to check if there is any physical problem."

Shi Nianyao: ...! !!

Shi Nianyao's mouth has always been sharp, but in front of Shi Zhe, he can't even take advantage of it!

It's just ...

Shi Nian Yao dug up his mouth, and stretched out his hand, nodded him a bit, then turned and walked out.

When Shi Nianyao's car drove away, Tian Tian came out of the room, staring at Shi Yan, and couldn't help laughing: "Yao Yao is already a big girl, so you can't be less of a care."

Shi Yan: "Big girl, in my opinion, she also lacks roots and likes others. She just jumps forward with all her heart, and is not afraid to be hurt in time! Mo Xicheng's mother can't figure it out, I can't let Yao Yao follow him Together! A mother-in-law can't do much for a family, and you don't know. "

Tian Tian: "But you are careful about her so strict, she will be very reluctant, and one day, I will give you a bombshell news."

Shi Yan said optimistically: "I watched her and wouldn't let Mosi bear it. What other news can they bring to me? You can't get two people secretly getting married!"

After saying this, he turned back to the bedroom.

Tian Tian thought for a while, and thought it was right, but according to the aunt's personality, he could do anything.

Neither of them thought that Shi Ye became a proverb.


When Shi Nianyao was sitting in the car, he arrived at the hospital at eight thirty.

It was all dark.

After she got out of the car, she asked the driver to wait for her in the hospital parking lot. Then she went upstairs and went to the ward alone.

Standing outside the ward, you can see Yao Lili alone, crying in tears silently, looking extraordinarily dazed, like a child who made a mistake and then knew the mistake.

Shi Nianyao stood outside the door, glanced, and then pushed the door open and walked in.

Yao Lili heard the sound of opening the door, looked up to see Shi Nianyao, his eyes immediately expressed a surprise expression, but after that kind of surprise, there was a hint of yin and flashes.

She was extremely excited and excited, "Miss Shi is here, hurry up!"

Shi Nianyao smiled at her and shouted politely, "Aunt Yao."

Then she walked to the sofa next to her and kept a distance from her to prevent her from playing any firearms. The whole person stared at her with vigilance.

PS: A lot of things have piled up recently ... The house is rented, and it is about to expire. I want to move. I ran outside for a day today, I saw the house for a day, I ’m tired, let ’s just cry, hope Everyone forgive me, there will be more than ten days left to move at the end of the month ~ If you ca n’t find a house, your author will sleep on the street ~~

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