You Are My Unforgettable Love

Chapter 1395: Read Yao a

But Mo Xicheng's car, because it was too fast, rushed directly to a wall on the side of the road, and the front of the car crashed directly!

Mo Xicheng was wearing a seat belt, but his head still hit the windshield in front of him severely, and blood was bleeding on his forehead, and the windshield also showed broken marks, and the front car head was also damaged. .

Mo Xicheng only felt dizzy for a while, and everything in front of him became a ghost for a while.

At this moment, the window of the car was snapped, and he turned his head to see that the driver of the car was staring at him, and said worriedly, "Sir, are you all right?"

Mo Xicheng took a look at him, took a deep breath, retrieved his sanity, and worked hard to look at the road ahead. After the sight was finally focused, he shook his head, and then thought of Shi Nianyao, and said nothing to go back Just a moment.

He didn't even look at the driver, and drove straight ahead.

Leave the driver standing still, "Oh, sir, your head is bleeding, you need to go to the hospital! You ..."

But before he finished speaking, his car rushed out!

Soon no trace was seen.

Moshi was anxious.

He didn't know if what happened to Mo Zhi and Nian Yao, would Nian Yao, like other women, die for his innocence, but he knew that if this happened, follow Reading Yao's character will definitely not compromise!

He wants to read Yao to live happily and live happily.

He didn't want to make Nian Yao unhappy.

Therefore, this thing must not happen!

Thinking of this, Mo Xicheng stepped on the accelerator again, and the speed of the car increased even more!

Fast, fast!

Originally, it took an hour to drive from the hospital in the city center to the suburbs, but it was opened by Mo Xicheng for twenty minutes.

After the car arrived at the suburban hotel, he got out of the car directly. When he was about to rush forward, his feet were soft, and he panicked, and almost fell to the ground.

A waiter hurried to help him, "Sir, your forehead is bleeding, how are you doing? Would you like us to take you to the hospital? Let us call you an ambulance!"

Mo Xicheng pushed the waiter away and went straight to the lobby. He went directly to the lobby, stared at the front desk and asked, "Which house did Mo manage?"

The front desk snapped, "This is the customer's secret, and we have no right to tell you."

Mo Xicheng looked up directly, "I'm his brother, you can check me immediately!"

The voice was cold, like a killer, and let the front desk stop.

She swallowed, and finally saw Mo Xicheng's **** appearance, she asked in amazement: "You are, Mr. Mo Xicheng?"

"Hero" hit the air, causing Mo Xicheng's face, also began to be well known.

Moxi Cheng nodded, and the front desk immediately said, "Okay, I'll ask you to check."

Turn on the computer, glance at it, and then say, "They're on the eighth floor, room 808."

When Mo Xicheng heard this, he said nothing and rushed forward!

There are three elevators. One elevator should be someone who has just gone to the top floor, so it is on the top, one just happened to go up, and one, it is forbidden to use it at night.

Mo Xicheng looked at it, and rushed to the next staircase, and ran straight up!

What he lacks now is time.

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