You Are My Unforgettable Love

Chapter 1400: Read Yao a

A word from Mo Xicheng made Shi Nianyao slightly surprised.

When it comes to the mouth, it is so stiffly suppressed.

She turned her head unbelievably, and saw Moses Cheng sitting on the hospital bed. Because she was bleeding too much, at this moment, his face was a little pale.

Shi Nianya looked at him stupidly.

Doesn't he know that if this is known to his brother, will the Mo family and Shi family become enemies?

Shouldn't a normal man encounter such a thing, shouldn't he conceal it and then coax her not to tell the truth?

But now, what's going on with Moses Cheng?

She was hesitating when she saw Mo Xicheng's eyes lowered, "It's Mor Zhi, he wants Yao Yao."

After a word fell, Shi Nianyao secretly said that it was not good. Sure enough, in the next second, the entire room was instantly covered by a sharp low-air compression cage!

She turned her head and saw her brother's face turned dark.

A pair of eyes with bloodthirsty light.

He stared at Mo Xicheng and said slowly: "This matter, I think Mr. Mo needs to make it clear to me."

Shi Nianyao: ...

From an early age, although my brother said she controlled her a lot, the best is her brother.

It is said that once she was born, she saved her elder brother with umbilical cord blood, and he was a full four or five years older than himself, so he always tolerated himself.

She still remembers that when she was a kid, there was a boy in the class who always liked to pinch her hair. When she went home, she said impatiently.

I didn't expect the next day to go to school, the guy ’s head became bald.

Since then, the title of sister-in-law madness has fallen on Shi Ye.

The relationship between her and her parents was not as deep as that of her brother.

And under the protection of her brother, she has received the biggest grievance since she was a child, and she only made a few quarrels. This time, she really touched her brother's bottom line!

Shi Nianyao was thinking, and saw Mo Xicheng bowed his head. "It was my mother who tricked Nian Yao into the hospital, and then fainted him, let Mo Zhi take her away, but Suoxing did not cause irreparable Hurt. But this thing, Mo's did it, just did it. "

With that said, he looked up, looked at Shi Yan, and slowly said, "Mr. Shi, I want to ask you something, can you?"

When this word came down, Shi Yan narrowed his eyes, "You still have a face to ask me for something? It's not just asking me to let Mo's home go!"

Mo Xicheng looked down lightly, "I really want to ask you to let Mo's house pass."

In a word, Shi Yan made a deep look and sneered.

Sure enough, this Moshi Cheng is not reliable at all! Even if you do n’t know what to do in your own home, it is even related to Shi Nianyao!

In this way, how can he be assured that he will hand over Nian Yao to his hands?

And Mo Xicheng, was he wrong? Not a reliable person?

But the next moment, I heard Mo Xicheng say, "Because, I want you to give me something, and I want to avenge Yao Nian myself!"

"Nian Yao is my girlfriend, her revenge, I'll report it. I know your mother and Mo Zhi's mother are good friends, presumably this revenge let you report, you don't know how to pull down ...

Mo Xicheng's eyes flashed with some light, he stared at Shi Yan, and said again, "Please, let me come."

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