You Are My Unforgettable Love

Chapter 1476: He is my son ... (49)

Shi Nianyao felt that he couldn't speak!

Why does the male **** speak so ... can't make people answer?

She coughed and continued to say, "Cough! Mo Xicheng, what gift do you want for your birthday?"

Moxie glanced at her, "Did you know what I want?"

Shi Nianyao: ...

Shi Nianyao felt that there was simply no way to talk about this day!

This guy is playing hooligan at every turn and can't handle it.

When I did n’t contact him before, I always felt that Mo Xicheng was too melancholy and too silent. After contacting him, I found out that this man is just ...

Shi Nianyao wanted to find a word to describe Mo Xicheng, but found nothing appropriate.

The satyr's words are too much. After all, the two of them have already obtained the certificate, but Mo Xicheng has always taken advantage of himself, but in fact he has not encountered anything.

It's been a long time since two people secretly got married, but they haven't actually done anything except to get a certificate!


As long as Shi Nianyao thought of the night, his eyes suddenly turned on and he couldn't help getting excited.

She bit her lip and was immersed in the excitement of the night when the phone suddenly rang.

She lowered her head and glanced at her. She found out that it was her mother. She immediately answered. Just after saying “hello”, she heard the opposite voice, “Yao Yao, I've been to Beijing with your father. Don't stay in your brother's apartment tonight Come, come home, I brought you many gifts. "

Shi Nianyao: ...

Shi Nianyao wants to say, can't he go back?

But if it's true that Mo Xicheng can't see his parents, it's too filial.

Moreover, Dad would definitely come over and carry her back.

Therefore, Shi Nianyao directly suffered a face.

She turned her head and looked at Mo Xicheng, and saw that Mo Xicheng was silent, and then turned the car silently.

Shi Nianyao: ...

Hanging up the phone, Shi Nianyao looked at Mo Xicheng, "Male god, I am, not, that ..."

Before he finished speaking, he was interrupted by Mosi. "Uncle and aunt are more anxious. We ... come to Japan and be in a hurry."

Shi Nian Yao immediately nodded.

In fact, as long as they can be together brightly, they can last a long time.

Mo Xicheng sent Shi Nianyao back to the door. Shi Nianyao looked at Mo Xicheng and asked, "Would you like to go in and sit?"

Moxi Cheng paused, and then said after half a ring: "No. Uncle and aunt haven't been in Beijing for so long. I think they must have a lot to say to you."

Shi Nianyao thought about it and nodded.

After bidding farewell to Mosi, she jumped into the villa.

Si Jingyu and Shi Jinyan have arrived home and are sorting things out at the moment.

When Shi Nianyao went in, she saw her elder brother Shi Yan at home with her sister-in-law and little cherry. After greeting everyone, she sat next to her.

Shi Yan glanced at her, and then said, "Parents, you are back, and something happened at home. Fortunately, no big mistakes have been made. I want to tell you."

In a word, when Shi Nian Yao Yan looked up, he heard Shi Yan say, "It was just a few days ago that Yao Lili was hospitalized. Let Nian Yao go to see her ... Mom, Mo's Li Shu, follow You are a girlfriend, what do you think about this? "

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