You Are My Unforgettable Love

Chapter 1495: He is my son ... (68)

Gao Feng was waiting for him in the private room. He originally thought that Mo Xicheng would come in, so he could stop Mo Xicheng, and then go to the next door to talk to Li or talk to him.

But he never expected that Mo Xicheng was not only late in the negotiations, but he was so arrogant that he didn't even bother to help him?

He immediately glared with a beard, and the whole person was about to explode.

The assistant standing at the door was also stunned, looking back, looking at Gao Feng, could not say a word.

Didn't Moxie Cheng realize that Gao Feng was helping him?

Why are they rejected?

Two people in the room, you look at me, I look at you, I can't say a word. In the end, Gao Feng slapped on the table and yelled angrily: "Rabbit! I won't help him anymore! Just let him hit the South Wall! I don't think he will not hit the South Wall! "

But after saying this, he didn't leave, but sat on the sofa with his butt.

That look, the assistant at the entrance could not help laughing.

Did n’t you say they do n’t care?

Since you don't care about others, why sit here and not be afraid of something going on for a while?

He smirked, looked at Gao Feng, and asked, "Mr. Mo is late. Director Li will be even more unhappy, right? Mr. Mo is going to work on the first day. When I went out, I saw his assistant preparing the car. Why are you late? "

Gao Feng snorted dismissively when he heard this, "Nothing light or heavy, nothing can be thought of. How can such a person be Li Shu's biological son?"

He took a deep breath, "Forget it, help him this time, it's worthy of Li Shu! You listen to the movement next door, and see if you have any wind or grass, then rush in, but don't What a pity for this bunny! Also, stare at the paparazzi around, don't let them take any pictures. "


When the assistant had finished speaking, he walked out of the booth and monitored the situation next door.


Mo Xi pushed open the door of the private room, walked in, and saw that in the dim private room, Li Dao was already waiting for him with a pale face.

After seeing him in, Li Dao sneered. "Mr. Mo is young and he is not small. It is more than half an hour late!"

Mo Xicheng's assistant hurriedly said, "Guide Li, there is a traffic jam on our way ..."

Before he finished speaking, Moxi City said arrogantly: "My schedule is full, so Li Daojiu waited."

The words were impolite, which made Li Dao's complexion more instantly.

He stared at Mo Xicheng, turning his gaze on Mo Xicheng's face, and finally sneered, pointing to the unknown opening next to his sofa, "Aren't we going to talk about cooperation? Mo, please sit down Right. "

Mo Xicheng looked up at the seat, lowered his eyes, and walked over, but did not sit next to Li Dao, but sat opposite Li Dao with his buttocks.

Guide Li stared at Mo Xicheng.

The light in the private room was a bit dim. Just now Mo Xicheng was standing at the door again. The door was open and carrying light, so Li Dao didn't see Mo Xicheng's looks clearly.

At this moment, Mo Xicheng was sitting opposite him, and he saw the face clearly.

They are all in the circle and have heard of each other for a long time, but where is Li Dao ’s reputation and Mo Xicheng has always been low-key, so this is the first time that the two have met each other.

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