You Are My Unforgettable Love

Chapter 1506: He is my son ... (79)

After hearing this, Si Jingyu walked to his side, took his hand, and looked up at him. "Children are debts. We owe our parents. Now they are still with their children. We Chinese Is n’t it just this generation by generation? So do n’t worry about it, your daughter is going to marry sooner or later. Is n’t it nice to find someone who you like and would like to spoil her? ”

Shi Jinyan heard this and thought about it.

In fact, he knew for a long time that his fire was inexplicable, but as a parent, he really couldn't bear it, and he didn't figure it out for a while.

Hearing those words of Si Jingyu at this moment, he only found out that he was making trouble.

Shi Jinyan sat on the sofa and sighed, "Well, leave it alone."


When the first rays of morning light came into the room, Shi Nianyao moved his eyelids and opened his tired eyes.

She felt something pressing on her waist, a little heavy, making it difficult for her to turn over for a while, so she stretched out her hand and touched it.

Touched in this way, I found that it turned out to be an arm!

Shi Nian Yao opened her eyes wide and looked at the familiar and unfamiliar things in front of her. Last night, like a movie, she swept through her mind, making her blush suddenly.

She bit her lip and wanted to turn her head to look at the man behind her, but she didn't dare move. She could only feel the close-fitting skin of the two people in the quilt and the heat from the man behind her.

After a while, he heard the man's low, lazy voice coming, "Wake up?"

Shi Nianyao was relieved. He buried half of his face in the quilt, slowly turned his body, and turned his head.

Her shy eyes were a little afraid to look directly at him, biting her lips with a smile on her lips.

And with such a movement, I also felt a little weak and weak in both legs.

She didn't speak, and pressed her big hand on her lap: "Does it hurt?"

Shi Nian Yao immediately shook his head.

Mo Xicheng laughed. "Last night, you worked hard."

Shi Nianyao couldn't help but bury his head in the quilt.

Just buried in, and leaked out again, fiercely watching Mo Xicheng said: "No fart!"

Mo Xicheng: ...

Mo Xicheng looked at her cute look, couldn't help but drew her lips, and saw that she got into the bed again, and then asked again, "Shy?"


"You come out first, it's too hot inside, don't get bored."

"I do not."

"Come out soon."

"I don't."

"So how did you get out?"

"Neither do I."

Mosi saw her, but she had no choice but to open the quilt and got into it.

Because it is summer, the quilt is thin, and the light is very good. Although it is dim, it can be seen clearly.

As soon as Mo Xicheng went in, he saw Shi Nianya staring at him with wide eyes, his face flushed, and his shy eyes were full of water. When he came in, he immediately covered his quilt on his face. Dare to speak and not move.

Mosey couldn't bear the landlord's back on her waist and hugged her, "Don't be shy, read Yao."

Shi Nianyao still buried his face tightly in the quilt, just couldn't come out.

Mosi Chengsheng was afraid that she might have something wrong. After thinking about it, she suddenly said, "You said, is your father already on his way here?"

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