You Are My Unforgettable Love

Chapter 1510: He is my son ... (83)

"Did you know that Li Dao was taken to the hospital yesterday? The doctor has determined that there was a break!"

"Dao Li called me and scolded me and said," We won't make our family better! Do you know what Li Dao's background is? You offended Li Da so, you are Are you going to hurt Mo's family ?! "

"Also, I thought you looked very stable, but you didn't expect to be so frizzy, who do you think you are? Do you think you have entered the company, and you are the rich second generation? Can you hit someone casually? Your mind It's water! "

Mo Zhi cursed so many words at a stretch that he couldn't hear Gao Feng. "Well, this thing is over. Now we are not in the accountability stage, but we are thinking about what to do next!"

Mo Zhi sneered, "What to do next? Leader Li occupies half of the country in the entertainment industry. Now he offends Leader Li, and you still ask me what to do? How do I know, I also want to ask you, what to do! Even if our company is I want to invest in any movie, I am afraid to give money to others, no one else! As long as the director or crew who worked with Li Dao, they will not take care of us! It is even possible that in the future, the film city is established, and no scammer can be obtained. Play! "

"Mo Xicheng, do you know, what did you do? Dad also said that you can do it, let me take care of you a little bit, but what about you? Yesterday, the personnel manager was locked in your office for a day, It looks like this again today. I don't think you want to stay in Mo's enterprise at all! "

Gao Feng came out to round the field again, "Okay, don't talk about it, where is Li Dao, I can go and apologize, the movie ..."

Mo Zhi sneered: "Apologize for the injustice? Do you think you can make an apology for the injustice? I tell you, Director Li said that he has already found a lawyer and will sue Mo Xicheng and sue us for Mo enterprise!"

Someone immediately said: "This is all done by Mo Xicheng alone. What does it have to do with our company ?!"

"Yeah, that is, what does it have to do with us?"

"Well, if not, people who haven't managed the company, don't come here to join in? This relationship is all you come and I forget. It's a newcomer and doesn't understand anything!"

"Mr. Mo should be told to remove his ceo post!"

"That is, how is a man like him worthy of sitting in this position?"

Seeing you say everything to me, Gao Feng hurriedly said, "When everyone makes mistakes, is it enough to make up for it?"

This sentence fell, Mo could not help but laughed out, "make up? The director who can be compared with Li Dao in the industry, I am afraid that only Wang Dao! Now offend Li Dao, unless he can come up with a big movie similar to this project Invest, otherwise, how to make up for it ?! "

As soon as the sentence fell, I heard Mo Xicheng say, "Who said that I couldn't get a similar big movie investment project ?!"

This sentence made all the people in the conference room look at him!

Mo Zhi frowned, stared at him for a while, and then spoke after half a ring: "This is impossible! In the recent project, Li's movie should be the largest movie project!"

Mo Xicheng raised his lips and sneered, "Who says this is the biggest movie project?"

PS: After the update, see you tomorrow ~~ Ask for a monthly ticket ~

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