You Are My Unforgettable Love

Chapter 1513: He is my son ... (86)

The words of Mo Zhi fell, and some people stood up. "Yes, it is impossible for Wang Dao to start filming this year, and our project will not wait for next year. We will start investing one after another this year ... You can find Wang Dao to calculate We, Wang Dao, overwhelmed us. It really is too bad. "

"That is, this project is abolished. We haven't said how to deal with you. You just take Wang Dao as the matter ... Wang Dao's movie is not yet known. You have to wait for the whole company. Is your first investment? "

"Do you know what this investment that made you talk about? This is the first big movie and big project invested in the company, which is of great importance. If you hit Li Dao, it ’s okay. Take it out and gag our mouth, it's like ... "


Everyone you say, I say, let Mo Xicheng, who is looking at the mobile phone, hear these words and look up.

His gaze swept across the group of people, and he finally sneered, put the phone on the table, and then tapped the table with both hands. After the crowd was calm, he slowly said: Announced. "

The three short words were calm and understatement, but the noisy atmosphere suddenly became quiet. Everyone brushed their heads and looked at him, and immediately followed his sight and landed on his mobile phone screen .

Everyone didn't understand for a while what he meant.

Until the first person reached out and picked up his cell phone. After glancing at it, he immediately put down the cell phone, opened his cell phone, and logged in to Weibo. , Shocked to add, "This, this turned out to be true!"

"What really?"

The person held his cell phone and handed it to someone nearby.

There was an exclamation sound from the crowd, and it seemed that they never thought that things would turn around.

Everyone stared at the phone, watching the news above.

Inexplicably staring at the people around him, "What's wrong?"

"Look! President Mo!"

Someone handed the phone to Morch, and after seeing the content above, Morch suddenly widened his eyes, "How is this possible?"

A word fell and his eyes narrowed.

He held his opponent's cell phone tightly, looked up, and looked at Mo Xicheng fiercely!

He knew that Mo Xicheng must be intentional!

Otherwise, it will not be mentioned again yesterday, but we have to wait until today.

He just wanted to suppress him, and then the Jedi counterattacked. Now watching, what a beautiful counterattack!

Mo Zhi thought of this, clenched his fists, stared at Mo Xicheng for a while, and then snorted coldly, "Even if the news that Wang Dao is about to shoot is true, how can Wang Dao make you invest in hundreds of dollars? Forty percent ?! "

When Mo Xicheng heard this, he raised an eyebrow, and before speaking, the door suddenly snapped.

Mo Zhi and others turned their heads and saw the door was pushed open, and the front desk stood there hesitantly and hesitated, and said, "Mr. Mo, someone is looking for you."

Mo Zhi waved his hands impatiently, "Did you see me in the meeting? Who asked me, let him wait without an appointment!"

But when the words fell, the other party suddenly showed an embarrassing look. She coughed. "President Mo, I mean, President Mo Xicheng ..."

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