You Are My Unforgettable Love

Chapter 1516: He is my son ... (89)

Mo Zhi was really scared at this moment.

He knew that the original project could not be talked about, all were the pots of Mo Xicheng, but now, if Wang Dao's people really left, just in front of so many people, so that the front desk would not say anything, but he!

He turned his head and looked directly at the front desk, cursing: "How can you do that, so important guests, how can you be in the meeting room? Come on, show me the way!"

The front desk grieved and said, "Mr. Mo, haven't you kept me from talking?"

Morse: ...

Mo Zhi snorted coldly, glanced back at the people in the room, and then hurried out.

When Mo Zhi left, Mo Xicheng dropped his eyes and immediately stood up.

He took a look at the group of people present, and then walked directly to the door without saying a word.

The meeting must be gone.

Everyone went out.

Mo Xicheng took two steps, and suddenly heard someone behind him shouting: "Mo Xicheng."

Mo Xicheng set his footsteps, turned back, and saw Gao Feng coming, he stared at himself with a shocked expression, and then immediately said: "You, are you hostile to Li Dao?"

After hearing Gao Feng's words, and then seeing that he looked at himself with concern, but with a look of concern, Mo Xicheng thought for a moment, and then spoke after half a ring: "I and Liu Liu are friends."

Having said this, he nodded at the peak, and then moved on.

The peak stood in place, and Liu Liu was again.

Who is Liu Liu?

While in doubt, the assistant came over, "Mr. Gao, Liu Liu's affairs, I have found out. The truth of the matter is this ..."

After the assistant had finished talking about the matter, Gao Feng's face showed a feeling of constriction.

He paused, and then sighed deeply, "The gene is simply too powerful."

Assistant: "What's wrong?"

"Even if Mo Xicheng grew up with that little three, but you look at his every move ... Do you know that he took Li Dao's project yesterday and is ready to teach him! And he I have discussed it with Wang Dao for a long time, so everything now is his plan! Didn't you see that Mo Zhi was so painful in the face? Just now, executives in the whole company , Looking at Mo Zhi's eyes, all changed. "

At this point, Gao Feng sighed, "This Mo Xicheng is not like the brainless little three, but is like Li Shu! Go to see Mo Zhi, now it is almost like a clown ... The son of Li Shu, not simple!"

The assistant couldn't help laughing, "It's not that easy, it's young! After all, Mr. Gao, your phone."

Gao Feng nodded, took the phone, saw the caller ID, and laughed, "Li Shu, I want to tell you a good news, you son ..."


Mo Xicheng came to the front and saw the meeting room. Mo Zhizheng looked at the person with a smile on his face, with a flattering meaning: "I'm sorry, it's really ignorant at the front desk and didn't tell We are the truth, that's why we take it easy. Don't leave at noon for a while. I'll be the owner. Will you please eat? "

The comer inquired about this, hesitated a moment, and then said: "Mr. Mo, our guide Wang asked us to sign a contract, but it was about signing a contract with Mosi ... Are you inappropriate?"

PS: Mo Xicheng and Shi Nianyao, we are about to finish these days ~~ See you tomorrow ~

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