You Are My Unforgettable Love

Chapter 1521: He is my son ... (94)

The little secretary froze, and then shook her head after half a ring. "Not so familiar, but I know President Gao, what's wrong?"

Moxie paused, and then asked: "Isn't he compatible with Mo's?"

Why Gao Feng is so good to him, and even mention him everywhere, there must be a reason, so he must now understand what is going on.

If he can, he must train his close friends in the company, and this person is good.

If he is the one who was suppressed by Mo Zhi, it is just fine to gather it together.

But I didn't expect that the little secretary directly said: "How is this possible? Everyone in the company knows that General Manager Gao specially maintains General Manager Mo. When the previous meeting was held, General Manager Mo said something. If everyone objected, the peak would definitely jump. Come out to refute, from the moment Da Mo entered the company, he took great care of Da Mo, but later, Da Mo ... Afterwards, although there was less communication between Gao and Da Mo, we all You know, Mr. Gao will never oppose Mr. Mo. "

Mo Xicheng didn't expect to get such an answer, and suddenly hesitated, "Why?"

"Because ... Mr. Gao and Mr. Mo's mother, that is, Ms. Li Shu, have a particularly good relationship! It is said that they are childhood friends who have grown up together. By the way, they have a particularly good relationship with Chairman Mo Hai. "

Having said that, the secretary immediately looked around, and when no one was seen, he closed the door of the office and walked quietly to Mo Xicheng, saying, "You remember, Da Mo always did something confused in the company. Thing, and then the board of directors asked you to come to work in the company. At that time, everyone was arguing. Some people said that if you come, you can also promote the enthusiasm of Da Mo and let him know that someone is competing. The company is not He did whatever he wanted. At that time, Chairman Mo was hesitant, a little hesitant, and Gao Zong stood out, and said resolutely that no, this maintained the status quo at that time. "

Having said that, the secretary glanced and said, "Everyone knows that Gao Feng is a watch dog by Mo Zhi. Huh, when Mo always didn't come to the company, Mr. Gao was okay. He was very fair in doing things. But it ’s okay, but when Mo Zhi comes, he becomes a special short guard, and sometimes he has to help Da Mo always wipe his ass, it ’s ... eh! I ca n’t say. "

Mo Xicheng opened his eyes wide and looked at the little secretary. "So, it is absolutely impossible for Gao Feng to have an opinion on Mo?"

"There must be opinions, but in the face of Mrs. Li Shu, you will definitely uphold Mr. Mo! So, Mr. Mo, let me tell you, I think Mr. Gao has always wanted to please you, maybe he just wanted Confuse you, and then ask what's going on with you, so that Da Mo will always deal with you! "

When Mo Xicheng heard this, he couldn't help laughing, it seemed that everyone's brain was very big!

But Gao Feng ... is it really such a person?

Mo Xicheng thought of his several contacts with Gao Feng, and his intuition and feeling told him that was not the case.

He waved to the little secretary, and then he said, "Okay, you go first."

When the secretary left, he followed the car and went downstairs.

When he arrived at the underground parking lot, he drove his car and was planning to leave, but suddenly he saw that Li Shu and Gao Feng were standing there, talking about something.

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