You Are My Unforgettable Love

Chapter 1527: He is my son ... (100)

After Shi Nianyao said this sentence, he turned around and walked upstairs, but took a few steps, and stood very resolutely. He turned around and looked at Mo Xicheng.

Mo Xicheng looked at her tangled cute little look, could not help but looked upstairs.

Then I found that the second floor just turned to the side of the window, and the light was black. Presumably Shi Jinyan should be in the bedroom opposite, and his eyes narrowed, and he suddenly came up with a bold idea. He suddenly took two steps forward, and then She grabbed Shi Nianyao, then lowered her head, and kissed her gently on the forehead.

Shi Nianyao was stunned.

Mo Xicheng made this move last night and couldn't help laughing when she looked at her dull appearance.

Then Mo Xicheng rubbed her hair. "I'll go first. I'll call you when I go home."

Shi Nianyao nodded stupidly, and saw that Mo Xicheng turned around without hesitation, started the car, and left directly.

He seemed afraid that if he was not willing, he would immediately turn around and drag Shi Nianyao to go with him.

But today, it's too sensible to drag Shi Nianyao from someone's house.

It's just ... he's real, and he really wants to miss Yao.



Si Jingyu walked into Shi Jinyan's study.

The study room's lamp was black. Shi Jinyan stood at the window and stared outside.

When Si Jingyu walked by, she could just see Mo Xicheng looking around. She couldn't help but smile when she kissed Shi Nianyao.

When I was young and frivolous, I just couldn't help myself.

It was also difficult for the two young people to endure last night.

While she was laughing, she heard Shi Jinyan snorted coldly.

Si Jingyu then looked at him, and then he said, "Why are you humming, who hasn't had his youth, and seeing Mo Xicheng so reluctant to Yao Yao, we know he likes Yao Yao very much."

"Like it? I don't think so!" After Shi Jinyan said this, he went to the sofa beside him and sat down.

After hearing this, Si Jingyu raised an eyebrow, walked to Shi Jinyan, and asked, "What's the matter with you today?"

Shi Jinyan turned to look at her, "What's wrong?"

Si Jingyu asked: "It seems that when Mo Xicheng first arrived, you were fine. Why did you suddenly turn your face? This temperament ... it's getting older and more explosive, you haven't seen it, Yao Yao and Mo The embarrassment of Xi Cheng's two young faces. "

Shi Jinyan froze. Without talking, a life is sullen.

Si Jingyu poked at his arm, and then said, "What the **** is wrong, do you say that? Are you dissatisfied with Mo Xicheng?"


"Where's that dissatisfaction?"

Shi Jinyan coughed, "Do you really let me say that?"

Si Jingyu: "Of course it's true, it can still be fake! I like Mo Xicheng now, don't you tell him a little shortcoming, what if I get cheated by him?"

Shi Jinyan couldn't help but say, "Last night he was with Yao Yao ... That's it. Today, you didn't mention marriage, do you still think he is good? How can such an irresponsible boy be Yao Yao? The right person? It's just too irresponsible! "

Si Jingyu: ...! !!

Si Jingyu couldn't help but laughed out, she couldn't help but said, "You just have to do this? Then he mentioned it today, can you agree?"

"Of course not."

"Why did he mention it?"

"That's an attitude! Of course he has to mention it, and he must mention it seriously!"

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