You Are My Unforgettable Love

Chapter 1534: Moshi Cheng corrects his name! (7)

In a word, Mo Zhi narrowed his eyes and sneered, "This whole company is mine. What can't I bear? Even if the company goes bankrupt, it will go bankrupt!"

After finishing the unreasonable words, Mo Zhi shrank his shoulders, bypassed Mo Xicheng, and went straight forward.

Moses Cheng stood behind him and stared at him.

After half a ring, Mo Xicheng lowered his eyes.

He returned to his office and thought about it. First he picked up his cell phone and called Shen Liangchuan.

The phone was quickly connected, and Shen Liangchuan's steady voice came over, "What's wrong?"

"Does your company have working capital now?"

"Well, yes."

"Where is Wang Dao, can your company make advance payments?"

Shen Liangchuan didn't hesitate and answered directly: "Yes."

Then he thought about it and asked, "Did you run into any trouble?"

Mo Xicheng took a deep breath. "There is no money in the company's account. It is estimated that Mo Zhi was transferred away. It was a difficult affair for me. It's fine, I can solve it."

Shen Liangchuan heard this, and hummed.

After a while, Shen Liangchuan said, "Yes, I heard that Mo Zhi bought a lot of stocks in his private name."

In a word, Mo Xicheng gave a little hesitation, "What else is this?"

"Um." Shen Liangchuan slowly said, "In all likelihood, there will be no vacation."

Moses Cheng stared forward and clenched his fists.

A terrible thought suddenly burst into his mind.

Could it be that all the liquidity in the company is now misappropriated and private stocks are gone, so that will cause a shortage of funds in the company?

Thinking of this, Moxi Cheng turned sharply and walked towards the finance department.

He came to the Finance Department and said directly: "Show me the company's flow in recent months!"

General Manager Liu of the Finance Department immediately hesitated, "This, this ... Mr. Mo, I mean Mr. Mo Zhimo, do you know?"

Look at him, you know there must be something wrong.

Mo Xicheng narrowed his eyes and stared at President Liu: "Do you know how, do you not know?"

President Liu swallowed, and Mo Xicheng lowered his eyes. "Or do you listen to Chairman Mo's words?"

President Liu suddenly didn't dare to speak. He coughed before he said: "I'll show you that."

Things in the company are hidden.

Mo Xicheng looked at the ledger and watched it for more than two hours, and then it became clear that the liquidity in the company did disappear!

He narrowed his eyes, took the ledger, and left the finance department.

Then he rushed to the top-floor office.

Pushing the door open and entering, Mo Xicheng just saw Mo Zhi lie on the table to sleep and heard the sound of opening the door. Then he woke up suddenly and raised his head. After seeing him, he said disgustedly: " What are you doing? "


The account book was severely thrown on the table by Mo Xicheng: "Mr. Zhi, where is the liquidity in the company?"

When Mo Zhi saw his account book, he narrowed his eyes, and then sneered with a sneer after he smirked: "Mr. Mo, you have such a big gas field. Why, just check my account when I enter the company ?! "

Mo Xi Cheng narrowed his eyes, leaned forward slightly, and showed oppressive pressure to Mo Zhi, "You said, did you misappropriate the company's money and bought stocks ?!"

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