You Are My Unforgettable Love

Chapter 1557: Moshi Cheng corrects his name! (30)

In the conference room on the top floor, these words, Yao Lili have said many times.

Moxie listened, just wanted to laugh.

How did she know what was going on in the conference room on the top floor? It must have been colluding with Mo Zhi, so this mother, now, is he going to exchange him for the happiness of her later life?

Or, what did Mo Hai promise and promise her?

Mo Xicheng thought of this, and suddenly felt that life was really sad.

He looked up and looked at Yao Lili. "Have you never seen me as your son?"

Yao Lili froze, "How come, as long as you quit, I will definitely treat you well."

Exit, then how can you treat him well? Or just like before, he only asks him for money every month, he will do a credit card tied to his bank card, and then vigorously swipe it?

She had no idea how hard every penny he made in the entertainment industry.

But he never said in front of her.

Because he knows, he can't say, he is not qualified to say, he has no right to say.

He wanted to leave Mo's house, so acquiesce in allowing Yao Lili to live in the Mo Jia Jinyiyu food, is the tacit understanding between them.

But now, he thought how funny his previous thoughts were!

It was his inaction that made Yao Lili step by step, and she had to go further, to the point where she is today.

There is no longer any relationship between them, and there are only interests.

Even before, I have repeatedly said that I would sever the mother-child relationship with Yao Lili, but at this moment, Mo Xicheng really found out that he really let go.

No matter what Yao Lili looks like in the future, he has nothing to do with him anymore.

Thinking of this, his eyes firmed, and his footsteps firmed.

Leaving the conference room on the first floor, Moses Cheng stood outside the door and looked up to the conference room on the top floor.

Now, there must be a heated debate over whether he should be fired from the company?

Mo Xicheng sneered, his eyes firmed.

He took a deep breath, then walked calmly towards the elevator, pressing directly on the top floor.

On the top floor, he first returned to the office.

As soon as he entered the door, Shi Nianyao looked up nervously. "Mo Xicheng, are you all right?"

Mo Xicheng smiled at Shi Nianyao, "It's all right."

Shi Nianyao bit his lip. "I just found out that there is a meeting in the conference room next to you to discuss your problem. What now?"

Mo Xicheng raised his lips, and the whole person seemed extremely relaxed.

It's like the past, and the burden on him has disappeared.

He seemed to have unburdened all his burdens, even though he was still calm, but the gloom in his eyes disappeared and replaced by a kind of firmness.

His voice, like his people, said in an affirmative tone: "Well, since it is discussing my problem, then why can't I go out?"

With that said, he picked up the information in his hand and went out.

Shi Nian Yao Yiyi, "Mo Xicheng, what are you going to do?"

Moshi turned back, "Go do the work."

Shi Nianyao bit his lip. "You ..."

Mo Xicheng laughed suddenly, "Reassure you, this is just a fight for power, and it succeeded, then my position in the company will definitely be stable."

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