You Are My Unforgettable Love

Chapter 1559: Moshi Cheng corrects his name! (32)

Morpheus's words were ironic.

The face that looked at Mo Xicheng's laughter was also heavily teased and mocked.

Mo Xicheng looked at Mo Zhi, "Did the meeting make a decision so soon? Let me go home?"

Gao Feng hurriedly said, "Not yet. The meeting has just opened in a short time."

Mo Xicheng stared at Mo Zhi, "Then Mo shouldn't be so impatient."

Morris was suddenly stunned. The people around you also looked at me. I looked at you and laughed.

At this moment, isn't Mo Zhi's eager look? It seemed so impassive that it looked like a clown.

The stubborn stupid stood up, "You ... who said I can't wait? I just tell you the fixed consequences!"

With that said, Mo Xicheng laughed. "Since it hasn't been settled, let's continue the discussion now."

Mo Zhi held out his finger and pointed at him, "Okay, okay, if you have to listen, listen!"

He looked directly at the crowd. "Now public opinion is like this. If Mo Xicheng continues to lead the company, then our Mo family business will become a joke! This is about the name of the company, so I recommend that he Expulsion from the company! "

After listening to this sentence, Gao Feng was about to refute, and suddenly heard a voice from Mo Xicheng, "So, is it good for the company's name? Or good for the company's interests?"

In a word, let Gao Feng stunned, "What do you mean ?!"

Everyone looked at Mo Xicheng.

Mo Xicheng sneered and looked at Mo Zhi.

Mo Zhi's eyes widened suddenly, "Mo Xicheng, you, don't talk nonsense here! I'll tell you, there is no evidence, you don't want to slander me!"

Mo Xicheng sneered, "I didn't say anything, what are you worried about?"

Morph swallowed.

Mo Xicheng stared at all the shareholders present, and finally his eyes fell on Li Shu, who had been silent since he entered the door.

He narrowed his eyes and slowly said, "There is no problem in the company's accounts, but every time when it comes to working capital, you always feel the shortage. Have you never looked into it? Is there anything in it? ? "

In a word, everyone here was shocked.

Gao Feng is particularly incredible, "You, what do you mean?"

Mo Xicheng sneered, "It means that someone took the company's money to buy stocks. Now that the money is locked up, he can't take it out at all. The company's liquidity has become a tool for life and wealth!"

Gao Feng roared: "Who, who dares to be so bold ?!"

Moxie turned his head and looked at Mo Zhi.

Everyone here looked at Morpheus.

Mo insisted on his face, "Mo Xicheng, don't want blood to spit, we are talking about you, what are you doing to my head ?!"

Mo Xicheng laughed, "Everyone is discussing whether it is better for me to be the leader of your name, or it is better for you to be the leader. Of course, I want to tell everyone the truth!"

Mo Zhili immediately returned: "I know you don't look good to me, but you can't take this kind of thing against me! You are too much, Mo Xicheng, there is no evidence, you dare to blame me, I will hold you criminal! "

"Who says I have no evidence?"

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