You Are My Unforgettable Love

Chapter 1562: Moshi Cheng corrects his name! (35)

In a word, let the person who talked for him laugh, "Yes, you see, because there are too many investment projects in the company recently, and the liquidity is a bit insufficient, so Mo always adjusted some of the liquidity. I want to solve the current troubles when I go to the stock market. Of course, Mo's approach is too risky, but he is also out of conscience. Do n’t worry about Mo this time. Anyway, at the end of the month, Money will definitely make up! Our company is not a holding company, but a family business, all the shares are in the Mo family, in other words, this is Mo's own company, we are here, just executives, I want everyone here Will be very clear. "

"Furthermore, Mr. Mo has adjusted the working capital. So far, everyone has closed their mouths for the company's reputation, so it is impossible for the outside world to know. At the end of the month, all the money will be replenished. , The company will return to formal. But Xiao Mo always knows about the media. If the company ca n’t give the media a story, they will be upset and we ca n’t work at all. ”

If anything, pointed the finger at Mo Xicheng again.

Mo Xicheng was silent and didn't speak.

Mo Zhi jumped up, "Yes, uncles, you also grew up watching me. I really have no bad intentions. This time, I'm for the company. My stock will never lose money. You can rest assured that the money will be returned at the end of the month! "

After saying this, he winked at him a few times.

"Yeah, Mo always did this for the company, the method was a bit wrong, but everyone should not target him!"

"After all, Mo is still young!"

"That is, who did not make mistakes when he was young, Lao Gao, what you said in jail was too serious, and where things are so serious ..."


Everyone you say, I say, start to speak for Mo Zhi.

Gao Feng frowned and sneered, "Is this matter serious or not? I believe everyone here has a shot in my heart! I just want to say that Mr. Mo Zhimo is a bit ridiculous now! Before We worked **** the project, but we endured it, but this time directly emptied the working capital of the company. I asked, at the end of the month, the 25th is the day of salary. If there is no money, the salary of the entire Mo family company, How about it ?! "

Mo Zhi just smirked. "Tell you, let's post it four or five days later. I'm not waiting for the company to help me, so what's the matter?"

In a word, Gao Feng was speechless: "There are thousands of employees in the entire company. If you say delay, delay the company's delivery ?! Do you know how many people in the company, the day they pay their wages, they are paying back. On the day of the mortgage and car loan, if you post it and you let these thousands of people, what should you do? "

"It's been a day or two wherever you go. Uncle Gao, you're probably exaggerating." Mo insisted dismissive.

But this sentence has changed the faces of those who are doing it.

The system in a company can be said to change, and the unswerving work attitude is evident.

Mo Zhi seems to be aware of everyone's changes and finally knows that something is wrong.

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