You Are My Unforgettable Love

Chapter 1569: Moshi Cheng corrects his name! (42)

The entire conference room, because of the words of Mo Zhi, fell on Li Shu's body.

Mo Xicheng also froze.

He stared at the voting figures there, a little bit nervous.

He originally thought that if it happened that Morrison moved the company's liquidity, he could pull Morris into the water, but he didn't expect that he thought it was too simple.

Much has been in the company for so many years, and has long had connections and relationships that he simply does not have.

Moreover, he never expected that Mo Hai would come up with an old house at home and help Mo Zhi to pay off the company's debt.

He narrowed his eyes and looked at the result of the election, and suddenly felt that even if he lost, what happened?

It's really not easy for me to come to this step by myself.

He is content.

Besides, even if the election failed this time, Mo Zhi's nature is difficult to change. At that time, this group of people will still think of him.

It's just ... It's going to be dormant for a while.

I do n’t know if reading Yao will make you feel useless?

These complex thoughts flashed through his mind one by one, and then he, like everyone else, would fall on Li Shu.

do not know why.

Obviously, Li Shu would definitely vote her for Mo Zhi, but at this moment, he had a faint expectation in his heart.

Looking forward to Li Shu's fairness and justice once more, and give him a chance.

But how is this possible?

Li Shu is a stubborn mother. How can she help herself?

He thought about it and lowered his eyes.

Morchine has stood up, "My mother is also a person in the company and also holds a position in the company, so my mother also has the right to vote! So this time, I won! Haha, I won Mo Xi Cheng, one vote! "

Gao Feng stood out and just wanted to speak. His mouth just opened his mouth and he saw Mo Zhili immediately return. "Uncle Gao, wouldn't you say that this vote is not counted? Still want to say, one more vote , Isn't it a win? "

Gao Feng was stunned, "Of course not."

"That's OK! In my opinion, even if there is an extra vote, it is still a win. Are you right?"

After saying this, Mo Zhi looked at Mo Xicheng again, with a bit of gloomy meaning in his eyes: "Mo Xi Cheng, I'm sorry! This time, I won the ballot !! Please also put down immediately The job at hand, make the job clear, and leave the company! "

Mo Zhi laughed very insignificantly. "Of course, even if you leave the company, you will still be paid every month in the company. When the salary is received, I will notify you to collect the money ..."

"So now, would you please leave?"

Mo Xicheng listened to this and looked at the fateful look of Mo Zhi's villain. Although he could not wait to throw the tea cup in front of him on the face, but Mo Xicheng's character made him drop his eyes. .

It is his usual style not to compete with villains.

Since you lose, you have to be graceful.

Thinking of this, Mo Xicheng stood up, nodded to everyone present, then turned and left.

But as soon as I walked to the door, I heard Li Shu's voice, "Stop."

Mo Xicheng froze, and when he turned back, he heard Li Shu say a word: "My vote is for Mo Xicheng."

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