You Are My Unforgettable Love

Chapter 1585: Moshi Cheng corrects his name! (58)

"Even in my heart, I am grateful to her, but our identity is on the opposite side, and I have only had less contact and stranger before."

Si Jingyu stunned, "You mean, don't you blame her?"

Moxi Cheng nodded. "I never blame her. Now, I just don't know how to face her. The sudden change of identity makes me relatively strange."

Si Jingyu was relieved. She stood up and looked at Mo Xicheng, with a satisfied expression on her face. "Good boy, you have an open-minded personality. Such a person will definitely be happier in life. Give Yao Nian to You, I rest assured. "

Mo Xicheng nodded when he heard this.

The two said a few more words, and then Si Jingyu got up. Mo Xicheng sent her to the car and watched the car drive away.

Even if he said goodbye to Shi Nianyao, there was no other way.


The following days, he became busy.

First of all, the original position of Mo in the company is now handed over to Mo Xicheng.

Mo Xicheng is busy every day.

And Mo Hai may be in the guilt of Mo Xicheng. He has never been to the company again. It looks like he is going to hand over the entire company to Mo Xicheng.

Every day at noon in the company, a scene also appeared, then Li Shuhui took the meals he cooked in person and sent them to Mo Xicheng's room.

The relationship between the two is like a stranger who is most familiar.

Everyone in the company knows that this is the wife who is compensating Mo Xicheng, so no one is gossiping.

Moshi has the ability and ability to take over the company quickly.

Li Shu is also urging Mo Hai to force Mo Zhi to hand over 20% of his shares.

But every time, Mo Zhi promised well, but the share transfer agreement was never signed.

Until noon that day, Li Shu didn't come to the company to deliver meals, but just asked the housekeeper to call him, saying that something was wrong today, and he just couldn't come.

After a busy morning, after Mo Xicheng calmed down, he realized that something was wrong.

Li Shu was ashamed of him, so he has been trying to make up for it for a while, and he has been dragging back.

Suddenly, I did n’t come here. Did something happen?

Thinking about it, I saw the secretary suddenly rushing over, "No good, President Mo, something is wrong!"

Mo Xicheng froze slightly, his eyes sinking, "Don't panic, what's the matter?"

The secretary hurriedly took out his mobile phone and handed it to Mo Xicheng.

Mo Xicheng looked at it, and a report titled: [Master suicide and renting a house]

That's a story full of stories. The above picture is a photo of Mo Zhie's wrist suicide!

He was decadent, with a thick bandage on his wrist, and was taken to an ambulance.

In the report, because of the sympathy for the weak, most of them are talking about the source of all the bad things. They are Yao Lili, and Mo Zhi is actually the most innocent.

Although Mo Xicheng deserves sympathy, anyway, he inherited Mo's company from scratch.

And Mo Zhi, the first half of his life, lived as the heir of the Mo family, but now, it has become a street junk without a penny!

[Mother's fault, is it necessary for the child to return it? Behind the whole family of civet cats changing to princes, in fact, the poorest and most innocent is that civet cat ...]

Mo Xicheng saw his eyes shrink.

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