You Are My Unforgettable Love

Chapter 1588: Moshi Cheng corrects his name! (61)

Three people walked outside the door, and Mohaiguan went to the door of the ward and pointed to the balcony next to it.

This intimate move narrowed Li Shu's eyes.

On the balcony.

Mo Hai lit a cigarette and took a hard breath.

For a time, none of the three people spoke.

They looked at each other until Mo Hai's cigarette was finished, and Mo Xicheng and Li Shu didn't take the lead to speak.

Mo Hai looked at Mo Xicheng, and his heart faintly appreciated.

The calmness of Mo Xicheng is absolutely enough.

He coughed a bit before he said, "I want to hear from you about Morchi."

Mo Xicheng didn't speak.

Li Shu, who has always been calm, was immediately angry at this moment, "What do you mean, Mo Hai ?! Do you really believe in Mor Zhi ?! Do you think that it was Mo Xicheng who found Li Tianyu to deal with Mor Zhi ?! "

If Mo Hai had misunderstood her, Li Shu would not have been so excited, but at this moment, it was his son who was misunderstood, and Li Shu could not stand it.

As soon as she was agitated, Mo Hai immediately persuaded: "No, I didn't mean that, Li Shu, don't worry, you listen to me slowly and say, okay!"

Li Shu took a deep breath, "You said."

Mo Hai said, "Mu Zhi really doesn't have the ability to survive alone. Can I take him home? I live in the room where they used to live, and won't give him too much money in the future. And, in this way, you can also monitor him under his eyelids, and Mo Xicheng is more assured, isn't he? "

After this remark, Li Shu suddenly felt a block in his heart.

She looked at Mo Hai in disappointment, and laughed mockingly after a while. "Whatever you want, just do it."

As soon as Mo Hai was happy, he heard Li Shu's next sentence, "But, if you want to enter the house, you can. Just like Mo Xicheng, show enough sincerity to let me know that he doesn't care about the company. Alas, otherwise ... "

Mo Hai hurriedly asked, "What kind of sincerity?"

Li Shu narrowed his eyes. "He took away all the liquidity in the company, which made it difficult for Mo Xicheng to retreat in the company now. He has to make up the money."

Mo Hai's eyes widened suddenly. "He's so poor now, how can he compensate?"

Li Shu sneered, "Did he not buy the stock?"

Mo Hai was a little embarrassed. "Recently, that stock has fallen by three dollars. It is too low. It lost two-thirds of it ... oh!"

Li Shu looked down, and said in a very calm tone: "The company's working capital is not open. Now shareholders have opinions, and ... this is about to end the month. The workers' wages have not yet been settled. We pulled a banner to protest, I see how you explained to the government! Also, Wang Dao was also staring for money at the end of the month. If this money cannot be given, the company will bear a larger amount of liquidated damages! So Where you need more money, do it yourself! "

A whisper and a questioning sentence made Mo Hai's face red and red.

He coughed, and then said, "I, am I not ... talking about selling a house, will you make up the money?"

Li Shu's eyes narrowed, and he looked up, "Sell the house? Whose house are you selling? That's the property shared by our husband and wife. May I ask if you want to sell the house?"

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