You Are My Unforgettable Love

Chapter 1592: Moshi Cheng corrects his name! (65)

Mo Xicheng saw the small box, looked at it slightly, and looked up in puzzlement.

I saw Li Shu looking at him with encouragement.

Moxie raised an eyebrow, and he bowed his head again in surprise, opened the small box, and found that there was actually a bank card inside.

Mo Xicheng's eyes and pupils narrowed, and he looked up in surprise.

I heard Li Shu slowly say, "In it, there are 50 million yuan, which is my dowry and income for these years."

When Mo Xicheng heard this, he was in a hurry and wanted to return her bank card.

Li Shu said, "You take the emergency first and see if you can revolve around the company's funds. I know that the money is not enough, but thinking that you have it, it is better than nothing."

Moses Cheng froze. "What will you do in the future?"

Li Shu smiled suddenly, "I am a husband and wife with Mo Hai now, are you afraid that I have no money to spend? Mo Hai's old house, I will not agree with him to sell it. Now Beijing's house prices have changed too much, that piece The place is a good place with a price but no market. Now sell it for emergency. When you want to buy it back later, I'm afraid you can't buy it for twice the price. When it is absolutely necessary, the house cannot be sold. I am in Beijing There are still a few properties, which have been contacted by a broker for a few days to see for me. They can be sold for 50 million, but it will take longer to get the money ... "

Mo Xicheng looked at Li Shu.

For the first time, he felt the care from his mother.

Li Shu and Yao Lili look completely different, making his heart particularly hot.

He lowered his head, looked at the bank card, and then said, "Mom, rest assured, I will find a solution to the company's affairs."

Li Shu nodded.

Mo Xicheng said again: "I'll hold the money first, and I'll give it back to you later."

Li Shu laughed, "We are mother and son, mine is yours, what is there to pay back."

Mine is yours ...

In the past, Mo Xicheng only heard Yao Lili say that yours is mine. He never knew that the mother's can also be his.

Moxie raised his lips and laughed for the first time.

When Li Shu saw him, he couldn't help but say, "Xi Cheng, can I ask you a question?"

"You said."

"Have you ... hated me?"

Mo Xi Cheng shuddered, "Of course not."

Li Shu stunned.

Mo Xicheng slowly said: "In childhood, you are the best at this house, even if you are cold to me, but I remember that when I was hungry, I went to the kitchen and stole a quick date cake. Then I thought I was going to be beaten, but you didn't do anything. "

Li Shu listened to these words, and his heart became more sour.

She was terrified here, thinking that Mo Xicheng would not forgive her, but in fact, Mo Xicheng never hated her!

She thought of it, and there was a look of joy on her face, but then she stopped again.

Telling the truth to him, in fact, is not good, but he didn't try to grab his little pigtails. In this way, it is already the best, so how bad is Yao Lili to him!

When thinking of this, Li Shu's eyes immediately became firm.

No wonder she's being cruel to Mo now. It was Yao Lili who treated Mo Xicheng ten thousand times more severely than now ...

Therefore, she will not feel any guilt for her indifference to Morpheus.

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