You Are My Unforgettable Love

Chapter 1594: Moshi Cheng corrects his name! (67)

This was a dramatic reversal that shocked the entire Mojia company.

For a while, people in the company called Mo Xicheng as the **** of luck!

The company's funding problem was not only solved, but the stocks that Mo Zhi had invested in actually made some money.

Unable to get the news, he had not yet been discharged from the hospital, and after seeing the report, he spit out blood.

He clenched his chest tightly and pressed tightly, only to feel the pain in the chest and ease it a bit.

He looked up and felt regretful for the first time!

If, if he did not transfer the stock to Mo Xicheng, now he not only has 20% of the company's shares, but also these stocks ... he would not have to continue to be soft and pathetic in the hospital!

Thinking of this, Mo Zhi's heart is even more painful.


He couldn't stay in the hospital anymore, he had to think of other ways.

As soon as this idea came out, he saw Mo Hai come to visit him again. Mo Zhi immediately grabbed Mo Hai's sleeve. "Dad, I want to be discharged!"

After being discharged from hospital, Mo Zhi lived in Mo's villa.

This time, Li Shu made no comment on Mo Hai's move.

Mo Hai was initially guilty of Li Shu, afraid that Li Shu would oppose him, but did not expect that Li Shu was like not seeing Mo Zhi, which made Mo Hai relieved.

He thought that Li Shu didn't hold Mo Zhi in his heart, just like Yao Lili and Mo Xi borrowed and lived in their home.

However, he never expected that Li Shu, at this moment, had already made up his mind to divorce him.

After he had been confused again and again, Li Shu would never forgive him again.


Li Shu decided to leave Mo Hai, so he no longer cares about Mo Hai and Mo Zhi.

She was thinking, just like that, when Mo Xicheng was able to completely stabilize the company, two days later, she proposed a divorce with Mo Hai.

But I did not expect that she did not take any action, but Mo Zhi could not bear the loneliness.

On this day, Mo Hai went to work.

Mo Zhi's injury gradually improved, and he could take a few laps outside.

Li Shu was sorting his things upstairs, and suddenly heard the knock on the door.

She froze slightly, and when she turned around, she saw Mo Zhi standing at the door, hesitating to enter her room.

Li Shu frowned, and said coldly, "This is not where you can come."

Instead of walking away, Mo Zhi stepped forward and walked in. He looked at Li Shu and sighed, "Mom, do you really dislike me? Mom ..."

Li Shu took a step back and distanced himself from Morch.

Mo Zhi took another step closer and grabbed Li Shu's wrist. "Mom, even if I am not your biological son, but as the saying goes, life is better than nourishment, you raise me, your nourishment, I won't forget, I will be filial to you in the future, OK? "

Li Shu shook his hand away, then raised his eyes and stared at him indifferently. "Say, what are you looking for?"

Mo Zhi sighed, "I'm also my dad's son. I want the shares that were originally given to me in the company. Mom, you should know that illegitimate children also have the right to inherit. We live in peace, isn't it?

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