You Are My Unforgettable Love

Chapter 1603: Moshi Cheng corrects his name! (76)

Mo Hai watched him enter his room, so he went upstairs.

As soon as he entered the study and sat down, the door rang.

Mo Hai frowned and looked at the time. Now it is three o'clock in the middle of the night. Why is there no one sleeping?

He said, "Come in."

The door was pushed open and someone walked in immediately, the house nanny.

Mo Hai froze, "What's the matter?"

The little babysitter was indifferent, "I, I, that, I am ..."

With no patience, Mo Hai stared directly at the little nanny, "Have something to say and fart quickly!"

The babysitter was so frightened that she was about to cry, "Mr. Mo, I, I just have something to tell you, today I saw that Morchi entered the wife's room ... and then the master aggressively went to Morchi Then, I was not assured. I followed behind my wife. I saw Mo Zhi picked up the bracelet and fell to the ground ... I saw the lady sad and rushed forward, slap Mo Zhi, and then Then you come ... "

In a word, I said everything, but Mo Hai suddenly understood the meaning of this sentence!

He limped up from the sofa and stared at the babysitter in shock. "You, what are you talking about?"

The little nanny said, "That's it. It's Mr. Mo that slandered his wife, not that Mrs. slandered Mr. Mou ... Sir, you misunderstood Mrs.!"

This sentence was like a thunder, instantly shocked in Mo Hai's ears!

Let him stand there stupidly!

He misunderstood Li Shu?

He misunderstood Li Shu!

How could he misunderstand Li Shu!

However, if he misunderstood Li Shu, why did Li Shu never explain it to him from beginning to end?

As long as she speaks, he will listen.

Mo Hai thought of this, and suddenly stiffened, he understood.

I did n’t explain it because I was completely disappointed in him, so I did n’t say anything, but just proposed a divorce ... As for why Mo Xicheng treats Mo Zhi so much, he understands that it is Mo Xi Cheng's replacement for Li Lishu revenge.

and so……

The wrong person today is not Li Shu and Mo Xicheng at all, but his Mo Hai! It's him that Mo Hai didn't believe his wife and son, and he was stubborn. No wonder ... No wonder Li Shu would look at him like that and divorce ...

Li Shu made such a mistake, Li Shu will certainly not forgive him!


As soon as his eyes narrowed, he rushed straight out and said to the babysitter: "You follow me!"

He went downstairs anxiously, came to the room where Mo Zhi lived, and reached out his hand and banged the door vigorously.

After a while, Morchi's voice came out, "Who?"

"I! Open the door!"

"Dad?" Mo Zhi said doubtfully. "Why are you here? I've all slept here."

"Morse, you open the door for me!" Mo Hai couldn't wait to kick the door open.

"Okay, you wait a moment."

After a while, I heard the sound of opening the door inside, and before the door was opened, Mo Hai kicked it in the direction and opened the door directly, then went in.

Mo Zhi slept sluggishly, staring at Mo Hai, "Dad, it's so late, what's wrong?"

Immediately after this remark, Mo Hai was taken aback by his collar: "You said, is it true that you have vilified your mother or your mother has vilified you ?!"

Fuck a moment, "Dad, what are you talking about, absolutely ..."

Before he finished speaking, he was directly interrupted by Mo Hai, "Someone saw the dispute between you, Mo Zhi, do you still want to quibble ?!"

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