You Are My Unforgettable Love

Chapter 1607: Moshi Cheng corrects his name! (80)

Mo Xicheng's next sentence hit his heart fiercely: "Do you know that? In love, there is a very eloquent sentence, but at this moment, I want to give it to you."


"Sometimes breaking up is a kind of fulfillment."

Mo Hai stayed.

Mo Xicheng stood up and slowly said as he passed by, "I've called you a driver, and I'll take you back later. I'll go first."

Then he strode past Mo Hai's side and went all the way out.

Only Mo Hai was left in the bar.

He stared blankly at the wine glass in front of him, and suddenly couldn't help grinning.

Then he took the drink in front of him and drank it.


By the time he was driven home, it was almost dawn.

Mo Hai stumbled into the living room and saw Mo Zhi sitting on the sofa and waiting for him again.

He didn't speak this time, bypassed Morpheus, and wanted to walk upstairs to the master bedroom.

But he didn't take two steps, but Mo Zhi held his arms.

He stared at Mo Hai and said, "Dad, do you really want me?"

Because Morchi had just had a tooth knocked down, she was a little bit leaky at this time.

What he said was funny but sad.

Mo Hai stood still and looked back. He didn't look at Mo Zhi, but just said lightly, "Can I still ask you?"

Unsettled for a moment.

Mo Hai looked at him.

The boy in front of him had grown up watching, pulling a **** of urine, but now those memories seem to be shattered.

He used to think that even if Mo Zhi liked to count others, he would never count on himself, but now he is still wrong.

This stubbornness is no longer the innocent child he used to watch growing up.

He became starting to let him and Li Shu go back and forth.

Mo Hai thought of this and lowered his eyes.

He said lightly: "Early tomorrow, you can move away."

Fuck a moment, "Dad, you really don't want me anymore ?! Dad, I moved out, where do I live? Dad, how can you be so cruel? Dad!"

Mo Zhi shouted several fathers in a row, but Mo Hai never spoke and went straight upstairs.

Mo Zhi stood in the living room, staring upstairs, clenching his fists tightly, and his whole body was shaking!

He thought that Dad was the best for him and could frame Li Shu.

But did not expect that in his mind, Li Shu is the most important!

In these years, Mo Zhi took a deep breath for a few moments, which was suppressed, and then he turned and walked directly into his room.


Mo Hai went upstairs, and because he drank some wine, it was not as difficult to fall asleep as he imagined.

Almost as soon as he was lying in bed, exhaustion swept his entire body, causing him to fall into a deep sleep.

I didn't know how long I slept, but the door was suddenly snapped by the housekeeper: "Sir, sir, it's not good! Master Mo Zhi is not good!"

Mo Hai suddenly woke up from his dream, stared at the door of the room, and asked, "What's wrong? Did he kill himself again?"

"That's not true."

Mo Hai breathed a sigh of relief, "What the **** is going on? As long as it's not suicide, why are you so scared!"

The steward stopped talking, and finally said, "Go and see Master Morse! He, he, he ..."

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