You Are My Unforgettable Love

Chapter 1625: Moshi Cheng corrects his name! (98)

The big belly smiled very insignificantly, and the breath from the big yellow teeth made people feel very disgusted. When he heard this, he laughed, "What if the lawsuit failed?"

Unsettled, "How could it fail!"

Big belly laughed: "When things fail, you say, why should I believe you? Why should I lend you money?"

Mo Zhiyu said: "I, I ... I really can't give you anything, but I can ..."

The belly's wretched eyes wandered around Mo Zhi, and finally sneered, "Master Mo, you look really good, no wonder your brother can become a big star, but I think of you like this, I want to talk to your brother It's not much worse ... "

Mordid was startled and took a step back, "What are you doing ?!"

The big belly immediately laughed: "What? Of course ... what to do. Master Mo, maybe you don't know, I, in fact, do not like women the most, but you so handsome and thin boy ... 弱Do n’t change your face, I can lend you money without interest, what do you say? "

Mo Zhima immediately frowned, "Nausea! Get away!"

After speaking, I went to the doorway, but as soon as I reached the doorway, I heard the big belly say, "Master Mo, do you think that the private loan sharks, if I say not to lend, who dares to lend it?"

Morpheus stopped, and turned back unbelievably.

The big belly continued to laugh very insignificantly, sitting on the sofa, with his legs straight apart and staring at him, "You come here, I can talk to you about life and how I can lend you money ..."

Mo Zhi stood still, staring at him.

He knew that only the big belly was willing to lend him money in the circle.

Even if the big belly is not lent to him, the rest of the circle will not lend him.

And he was more anxious to leave Mo's house. He didn't bring anything, even where he lived tonight was a problem. He really has no money. If he has money, he will never come to accept this humiliation.

He clenched his fists tightly, and looked at the embarrassing eyes of the big belly, he felt vomiting, but he couldn't vomit ...

Not only can't he vomit, he has to turn around, step by step, and walk towards the big belly ...

Before, he played a lot of people in the circle.

But it was not until this moment that he knew how painful it was to be played with.

The pain that penetrated the body made him feel that the waist was broken!

At the same time, the psychological humiliation made him cry!

He has never been so ashamed in his life!


When everything was over, Mo Zhi rushed into the bathroom and vomited into the toilet.

He felt like he was going to spit out the overnight dinner, and the disgusting feeling still existed in his heart, making him unable to hold onto the toilet lid tightly.

Moses Cheng!

Li Shu! !!

If I can't get back everything I lost, then I will talk to you, endlessly!


After working hard with Shi Nianyao to watch a movie, Shi Nianyao was returned by Shi Jinyan.

That night, Mo Xicheng still stayed alone.

To the next day.

Early in the morning, he went to the company and found that the people in the company were a little bit wrong.

He raised an eyebrow in doubt, and someone jumped out immediately, "Mr. Mo is here!"

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