You Are My Unforgettable Love

Chapter 1629: Epilogue (2)

Mo Zhi stared at the content of the report, and the whole person was shaking.

"Oh, I don't think you can grab the property back, otherwise, you can follow me later, okay?" The big belly played with Mo and became addicted. At this moment, those ** eyes are in him. His body was wandering, and he couldn't help but feel sick.

He froze. "No, I must return all the money!"

With that said, he looked out.

Just then, a pair of hands on the belly suddenly went upstairs to his shoulder, "Why? You don't want to follow me?"

Mo Zhi did not speak, and bowed his head.

But that attitude showed his attitude.

He used to be the young Master Mo who looked up at everyone and looked up at him. His big belly was bowing in front of him, but now?

He would be fooled by the big belly ...

As long as he thought about the day, he was sick to spit out the overnight dinner.

As soon as the idea came out, he didn't hide his thoughts, and the look of disgust on his face showed everything.

He was thinking, but his chin was suddenly pinched by the belly.

Mo Zhi was forced to raise his head, and immediately kissed his belly.

With that big yellow tooth, Mo Zhi couldn't bear it anymore, suddenly reached out his hand and pushed him away!

With a big belly, his face sank immediately, and he raised his hand and slapped it on Mo Zhi's face.


The loud noise shocked everyone in the room.

Unable to stare at Belly, "You, what are you doing?"

The big belly sneered, "What? I tell you, don't give your face a shame! I'll tell you, if it weren't for your little white face, you thought I would look after you? Oh, your body is just like Better than weak chicken! Let me tell you, I think you are all lucky! "

With that said, I kicked over!

Mo Zhi was so frightened that he was about to run, but he was held down by the belly.

Mo Zhi wanted to get rid of his big belly, but for so many years, he played with too many women, causing his body to collapse. So he has no energy at all. How could a person who Mo Hai had beaten has a big belly? opponent?

The big belly didn't exert much force at all, and he felt himself pulled back by a strong force, and fell to the sofa all at once.

The next second, the big belly rushed up ...


It was another nausea.

Mo Zhi's limbs were weak and slumped on the sofa. The whole person was like a broken bone. The pain made him unable to bear the tears in his eyes.

He cried and said, "Big belly, please, please forgive me, forgive me ... Oh, I got the property, I'm sure I'll give you some more, OK?"

The belly is full and full, and it is easy to speak: "Baby, it's not that I haven't spared you, I just started, I can't let it go! You know, like your young master, who grew up with money like gold, I rarely touch Compared to others, it ’s like ... oh, let ’s talk, baby, your property, or come back! ”

"You bullshit, those were originally mine! How could I not come back !!! That's all mine!"

Mo Zhi yelled loudly, startling the big belly.

Belly looked at him, "Then let the lawyer tell you."

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