You Are My Unforgettable Love

Chapter 1688: Where is No Trace? (8)

Qiao Yi always has a talent, that is, she has been standing in the crowd, but can make people easily ignore her.

She lingered among the bodyguards, ran straight out, turned around three or two times, and walked to the side.

Immediately, she quickly followed the first escape strategy and went straight to the shortest wall of the Li family.

Although this wall is equipped with anti-theft devices, it is definitely a trivial matter for her.

Qiao Yiyi threw the rope directly, grabbed the upper part, and then forced his arm to move up.

She turned back and glanced at the people in the courtyard of Li's house, yelling, shouting, couldn't help pulling her lips back, and withdrew a smirk.

Stupid human!

As soon as the idea came out, he turned around and jumped down!


With her feet on the ground, she was about to retract her rope, but she heard a voice behind her stupefyingly, "You are still here."

In a word, make Qiao Yiyi stiff!

She turned back almost unbelievably, and saw Liang Liang standing under the corner in the darkness, staring at her.

It was a place where the lights were not shining, so when she just jumped down, even though it had been carefully surveyed down, Liang Liang was still not found.

Especially he should be able to stop her today, so wearing a black suit and standing in the dark, it is impossible to see.

Joe clenched his fists one by one for a moment, and immediately couldn't help but evoked a mocking smile, "Sergeant Liang, long time no see."

The ridiculous tone, with strange alienation, Liang Liang felt a pain in his heart.

He looked at Joe one by one, frowned, and then said, "You promised me not to steal anything again!"

Joe heard these words one by one, his fists clenched.

Yeah, she promised him ...

But it was all once, that was what she thought, she could wash her hands for this person, Jinpen.

But later, she realized that everything was too naive!

This man is simply not worth her lifetime.

Her eyes were sour, but the smile under the mask was brighter and brighter, "Oh, that was all a lie to you, do you believe it?"

In a word, Liang Liang was furious, "No trace! How can you do this to me!"

"What about you?" Joe stared at him one by one. "What did you do to me?"

Liang Liang stunned, "No trace, I was helpless, and it was you who betrayed me first, and that you were the first to ..."

"So, we aren't all the way at all. Look at you now, don't you come and arrest me again? Police and thieves will always be enemies!"

Liang Liang immediately explained, "I'm not, I don't have today, I ..."

I didn't finish the words, but I heard the neat footsteps not far away, and immediately saw the special police scrambled around!

The invisible eye pupil shrank, and couldn't help showing a sneerful smile: "I thought Officer Liang came over to tell me the old story, but I still think I was wrong. But ... catch me a humble thief It's just that I'm really flattered with so many people! "

When this remark ended, Liang Liang immediately panicked and wanted to explain, "No trace, I don't have it, not me, I ..."

Before I finished speaking, I heard Bai Anan's voice, "Brother, we are here! Stop her, don't let her run away again!"

Speaking of it, I saw someone who copied it from all around! !!

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