You Are Strong But It’s Mine Now

Chapter 541: responsible

"But you don't have to be nervous, because the final decision rests with me, and I still haven't decided whether to invite the holy sword Huiyao."

"So even if you gladly agree to ascend to the Supreme Being, I may not find it interesting and refuse to invite the Holy Sword Radiance; on the other hand, if you are greedy for life and fear of death and have no intention of taking the throne, I may find it very interesting to name a random person to ascend the throne and cancel the Holy Sword. Jian Kongxuan lets the new emperor save the world."

"So, please follow your inner desires and say your truest thoughts."

Cha Shiyin smiled and said, "Your sisters have all handed in passing answers, and I believe you will be no exception."

"Shuiyun Palace!"

At this time, one of the cabinet ministers really couldn't help it, and said loudly: "Please also consider-"

Before he finished speaking, Ling Jiangli's palm silently pressed on his shoulder. His words suddenly stuck in his throat, and the whole figure flew out like a broken kite.

Cha Huan, who had been prepared for a long time, knocked open the door of the curator's room with a slap of light from afar, causing the cabinet minister to roll out in a mellow manner. Yu Ke outside understood the situation at a glance, and closed the door very politely, so that the screams of the cabinet ministers were blocked by the door and stopped abruptly.

"You have also seen the attitude of the adults," Cha Shiyin said with a smile: "Don't be under pressure, you don't need to be responsible for anyone."

You are not responsible for anyone.

This sentence is like a stone, smashing layers of ripples in the heart lake of Mingshuiyun. She clenched the note in her hand, recalling the meeting last night in her mind.


Qin Leyin, covered in blood, stumbled out of the ruins. As soon as Ming Shuiyun was pleasantly surprised, he saw that he took the initiative to pounce on her and hug her, causing Ming Shuiyun to be at a loss.

"Are you all right? You have a lot of blood - I'm looking for a medical officer - I'll take you to safety first -"

"I'm fine, listen to me." His voice had a **** smell: "Go back as soon as possible, pack your luggage, and remember not to be seen. Come to me before noon, and we will leave Yanjing as soon as possible."


"Yanjing is no longer safe and can't stay any longer. I will take you to a safe place."

"But—the holy sword shines—"

"The holy sword Huiyao can't be used. Even if it can be used, it won't be your turn to use it. It's pointless to search for the sword and fight for the throne. The sky will fall and let those who grow tall be the top."

"But what about the Steam Chamber of Commerce? What about the Peerless List? What about your Qin family's industry? These can't be transferred in a day!"

"Compared with life, these extraneous things are not worth mentioning. Take what you can take, and give up what you can't take. In short, you must leave as soon as possible."

"But what about my aspirations? What about your aspirations?!" Ming Shuiyun shook his head: "We have paid so much in the search for the sword... Omniscient Eye, Unparalleled Killing, Blood Essence Stone... Look at you It's all because of the blood essence stone injury, how can we just give up like this, how can we just leave like this?"

"Why not? And the throne is no longer a good thing, it's just a hot potato, and it's not worth our continued fight-"

"But if even the Yan Jingjing is not safe, what else is safe in Huiyao? You can choose to go hard now, but what if there are wars in other places in the future? The world has been broken, you can avoid it for a while. , but I can't avoid it! Escape can't solve the problem!"

"Escape can solve problems. If I can avoid it for a while, I can naturally avoid it forever."

The red-haired man was not shaken by her words at all. He raised his hand and seemed to want to rub her head, but he put it down after noticing that his hands were covered in blood: "Life is not long or short, for decades, If you want to hide, you can still hide. And this civil war, as long as twenty years or as short as ten years, will definitely end one day.”

"Ten years, unless the loess and bones, I will keep you worry-free for ten years."

Ming Shuiyun still shook his head: "But there are still so many... classmates, teachers, and you—"

"Master." He suddenly showed an evil and charming smile, with bright red blood stains on his white teeth, and suddenly Ming Shuiyun felt a little itchy neck: "You may have misunderstood something - I am not discussing with you, I am This is to inform you."

Ming Shuiyun closed his mouth, but dissatisfaction was written all over his face.

He restrained his smile and said calmly: "Shuiyun, there may be other solutions to this situation, but those are none of our business. After all, you only have one life, and you can't squander it easily."

"You're not responsible for anyone."


"Shuiyun Palace?"

Hearing Cha Shiyin's greetings, Ming Shuiyun took a long breath, raised his head and asked seriously, "If the holy sword continues to hang in the air, will there be a safe place in Huiyao?"

Cha Shiyin was a little surprised, but quickly shook his head: "No."

"Not a single district? Like Dongyang, Xiamu, Leiyin..."

"They just didn't react. Once Kinki fell, it would be a period of chaotic wars. Until the real emperor was competed, the war would not stop." Cha Shiyin said: "There have been four chaos in history. The war period can be as short as 12 years or as long as 20 years. However, it is often these ten years of chaotic warfare that can halve the number of Huiyao’s household registration and clear a large area of ​​uncultivated land, so there must be great governance after the chaos. Because there are few people in the land and abundant resources.”

Ming Shuiyun looked sad: "What kind of strength do you have to protect yourself and save your relatives and friends in this chaotic world? Can you escape from the peak?"

"In a chaotic world, reaching the peak is just a stronger ant." Cha Shiyin said calmly: "Shuiyun Palace, you must understand that human beings are a social animal, and they need to eat, drink and sleep when they reach the peak. You can’t live alone without society. But if you want something, you will inevitably fall into conflict, and now that guns are so developed, an accidental stray bullet is enough to take Wu Zhu’s life.”

"The only sure way to protect yourself and protect your family and friends is to lead an army, be a leader, or even be a victor."

"Escape can't solve the problem, when the world becomes difficult to walk, it's the best way to go. Go through the trouble, the world is full of beacon smoke, it will only get more and more difficult; only by facing the difficulty can we step out of the road of peace. ."

Ming Shuiyun was silent, and everyone was watching her nervously. Cha Shiyin was still not in a hurry and waited quietly for Ming Shuiyun's reaction.

"Then if you pick up the holy sword Huiyao, can you really eliminate the chaos of war and protect everyone?"


"Because of the violence of the holy sword radiance?"

"It's not just violence." Cha Shiyin smiled and said, "Maybe you can see it from the history books, but many people don't know that - as long as the emperor wields the holy sword once and completely controls the glory, he can open the secrets of all parts of the body. Tibet, the physical fitness continues to rise, and the thinking ability will quickly surpass that of ordinary people.”

"The emperor who controls the radiance of the holy sword, regardless of whether he has been cultivated in warfare before, will be able to reach the peak in fifteen days or three months. In addition, the emperor's learning ability will exceed Imagination can even understand people's hearts, understand the truth clearly, and have an unprecedentedly powerful spiritual power. With every gesture, the subjects can kneel and all beings worship."

"In the history books, all the emperors who have wielded the holy sword brilliantly are all wise monarchs of a generation, not only wise monarchs, but even commanders of the great army, and the people of the world have praised their martial arts and martial arts."

"But the power of the holy sword radiance is rarely circulated, because even the emperor knows that it is not worth it - even if it is swung once, it will consume half of the life. Who would be willing to wield the holy sword when there is nothing he can do?"

"That is to say," Ming Shui Yun said faintly, "As long as I take charge of the holy sword Huiyao, I can become a king who speaks for itself?"


"Can do whatever you want?"

"Theoretically it is impossible, but when you reach that level of thinking, you will know how to fool the subjects and hide your selfishness in the public heart."

"Then what if I... let an unqualified person occupy a high position in the court out of selfishness?"

Cha Shiyin was stunned for a moment, and then he chuckled: "It's like taking a golden round to the steamed bun shop and asking if you can buy a steamed bun."

"If you are talking about whether you can promote someone to be the chief assistant of the cabinet, let his family become a century-old prominent clan, let him be honored as a lord, let him be honored and rich for a lifetime, let him be able to show his strength in the court, Let him live forever, then I can give you a clear answer - absolutely, you can even go a little bit too far, such as letting him live in the imperial court or something..."

"But, is it worth it?"

does it worth?

Ming Shuiyun is also asking himself. does it worth? is it necessary? Will you regret it?

She lowered her head, and suddenly realized that the note that Laiya had secretly stuffed into her was already wet with sweat. Although everyone is looking at her now, for some reason, Ming Shuiyun is not at all afraid at the moment.

"come out faster"

"I'm waiting for you"

Ming Shuiyun folded the note and put it in his pocket, then fell into a long silence again.

"At least swing two swords?" she asked suddenly.

"At least, at most. Two swords are enough to solve all problems."

"Two How many years of life do I have left?"

"Now the average life expectancy is generally between fifty and sixty years old. If you take good care of it, you can live to the age of Principal Cha and the others... But after wielding the holy sword, you will lose the opportunity to maintain health." Cha Shiyin thought about it. : "If you are sixty years old, then you have more than forty years of life left."

"With one swing, there are only twenty years left, and with another swing, there are only ten years left. In theory, it should be a little more, but ten years is more appropriate."

"Ten years...?"

Ming Shuiyun murmured, and his eyes gradually became firm. She pursed her lips and nodded slightly.

"Enough is enough."

Cha Shiyin showed a curious look: "Although I can probably guess why, would you mind talking about Shuiyun Palace?"

"As you said, I'm not responsible for anyone."

Ming Shuiyun looked at the Platinum Tower outside the window, his eyes wandering, his eyes were gentle.

"I just want to hold him accountable."

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