You are the Pearl, Mo Mengchen

Chapter 795: We will definitely win

109 to 94

With a gap of 15 points, the Lakers defeated the Pistons.

"The game is over, the two sides will play seven games, ladies and gentlemen, see you in three days!"

O'Neill and Kobe are the most dazzling stars tonight.

The Shark scored 42 points and 23 rebounds like a beast. This is the data of ancient beasts. It is also his dazzling data that Kobe's 32 points and 10 assists seem to be a bit "mediocre".

Mo Mengchen was wearing a towel, and he didn't know if he had forgotten or something. He dropped the playing suit on the bench, did not accept interviews with reporters on the spot, and turned to walk to the player channel.

That night, Westphal still took Mo Mengchen and Hill to the press conference.

No media is gloating, even for the Lakers, they are just escaping from death.

The match three days later decides who can laugh to the end.

"You can't just cover Shaq, you want to cover him fiercely, you need courage, you know you will suffer a few elbows-in fact, no one in our team is willing to go against Shaq." Hill politely said O'Neill has extra moves when attacking.

Westphal is not as polite as a talented student, this is a question worth paying attention to. "He stabs you a little with his elbow-the referee has little movement in the eyes-but you can't stand it. Because he is too strong, gently You can lose your balance in one click. If the rules allow him to do so, no one in the world can guard him. No one."

Mo Mengchen was calmer than Hill and calmer than Westphal. He didn't want to discuss these unchangeable things. "The Lakers played a good game."

In this way, he said so much.

As long as he doesn't want to, reporters will never get a break from his mouth.

On the Lakers' side, their press conference was like a celebration night to win the championship.

First Kobe.

"People always say that we can't coexist, but Shaq and I know how to achieve each other." Bryant said.

They seemed to have forgotten how violent the relationship was before tonight.

Then there was the shark, who said cheerfully, "Kobe Bryant has been preparing for this moment for a long time, and he knows that his time has come."

The Zen Master announced with a high profile, "We finally found the heart of the championship. The Pistons were completely hammered by us. The Lakers will win the championship. Because we have two top players. When you first block one, the other will come to you and pay the price. "

Shark is still the focus of the press conference because he knows how to liven up the atmosphere at the scene.

A reporter in Los Angeles deliberately asked the shark, "Shaq, if it were you, what would you do to prevent you tonight?"

Hearing this problem, the shark pretended to be serious and said, “No, I can’t help it. I will run away and tell the coach that I can’t help it, I will go home and hide in bed, call for my mother’s help, and I will be scared to bed, Hope everyone in the Pistons will be well tonight."

There was a burst of laughter that couldn't stop.

At the end of the press conference, O’Neill published a quotation that may become a classic or a finale of a classic joke. “From today, I hope you will call me Aristotle. I’m not kidding, Please remember my words."

"Aristotle once said that what we do repeatedly every day makes us, and then you will find that excellence is not a behavior, but a habit."

Shark is bold and authentic. "This is the attitude I want to express. My time has arrived. We will win the championship in three days. Kobe and I will lead the Lakers to rebuild their glory and achieve more glorious success than the Lakers at the time of the show!"

There was a burst of cheers and applause at the scene, and a press conference like a celebration was successfully concluded.

In the next three days, there was often news of one kind or another, mostly about the Lakers.

The only piece of news about the Pistons is Brad Miller’s official follow-up punishment.

"Because of Brad Miller's irrational behavior during the finals, we negotiated a suspension and a fine of $50,000."

If they can, the Pistons are even willing to pay Miller a $150,000 fine and do not want him to be suspended.

Although Miller is only a substitute for 20 minutes per game, he is the main player in the labyrinth tactics and one of the initiators of the Princeton system. He is dominant in these two tactics dedicated to the Lakers.

A ban on one game, that is to say, he is destined not to play in the tiebreaker.

Then, the piston maze tactics will become dangerous semi-finished products, and the Princeton tactics will lack a high axis.

To the outside world, the Pistons just lost a role player.

Only the Pistons themselves, and their opponents, the Lakers know how much impact Miller has been suspended.

June 18

Mo Mengchen has been training all day, like an ascetic monk.

June 19

The day before the game, he used all his attribute points to increase the disturbed three-point shooting from 80 to 97.

His overall evaluation did not change, and he did not see any changes during training. He knew that this change would only be reflected in the game.

But he generally doesn't shoot too many unreasonable moves, and improves the disturbed three-point shot, just because the seventh game is approaching, he has room to improve, and simply improves this.

Today, he is still training.

Miller was suspended, and the Pistons' preparations were different from the previous ones.

Labyrinth tactics and Princeton were temporarily abandoned, the tiebreaker will be a **** battle full of confrontation and melee.

That evening, Mo Mengchen returned to the hotel and did nothing else.

When the war is approaching, he makes a phone call to his home.

Ephraim advised him, although most of them were unrecognizable methods-such as the offensive foul of making a shark... Mo Mengchen suspected that Ephraim wanted to be an undead, but he had no evidence-he listened very relaxed, just like "Friends" Before the plot became silly, he and Ephraim enjoyed the same process of watching TV.

"Did you know? Sugla cried today."

"Oh, why?"

"He watched your game video."

One month old child watched my game video and cried?

Should I be proud or sad?

"I will fight for a game to make him laugh tomorrow night." Mo Mengchen smiled bitterly.

Then they said good night to each other.

Mo Mengchen hung up the phone, and his stomach made a cry.

Obviously, it is hungry.

Mo Mengchen is willing to be distracted by everything except the game. He has many things now, but he doesn't want to waste it in the game tomorrow night.

At this juncture in the series, all conspiracies and tricks have failed.

In the seventh game, the opponent's home, Miller was suspended, the team morale was weak.

No single factor is favorable.

For this championship, which is more than ten years apart, the Lakers will surely elicit great momentum to cheer for the team, and anything will happen tomorrow night.

With so many unfavorable factors, Mo Mengchen was reluctant to think more.

Because, after all, to win the championship, you need absolute strength.

As long as you are strong enough, the so-called disadvantages are just an excuse for your opponent's self-consolation.

Mo Mengchen opened the door of the room and bumped into Hill.

Contrary to doro, he was too nervous to stay in the room, holding the ball in his hand, obviously trying to find a place to practice again.

"Save some effort, don't do anything useless."

"Where are you going?"

Hill didn't expect that Mo Mengchen was so careless and heartless to such an extent that he had burned his eyebrows and was still in the mood for a walk?

"Find something to eat." Mo Mengchen asked back, "Are you coming?"

Hill said, "Wait for me, I put the ball back."

The fussy doro and the devil-proof mountain during the game looked for a long time, only to buy a little beer, and some barbecue in the restaurant, then the two returned to the hotel and entertained themselves on the balcony.

"Are you not worried about the game tomorrow night?"

"I'm worried," I'm worried that you are like the Eastern Conference Finals in 1998. Mo Mengchen didn't say the second half of the sentence because he didn't want to put too much pressure on Hill.

Mo Mengchen continued to say, "It's useless to worry, it's better to think of something good."

"Good thing, like?"

"Ephraim just called me and told me that Sogra cried this morning."

"Really?" Hill said in Congratulations! The crying baby is the soul baby! "

Hill's attention was diverted, but he should never ask this question "why is he crying?"

"According to Ephraim, Sogra watched our game and cried."

The bitter alcohol spread in his mouth, and Hill swallowed hard, looking at the brightly lit window scenery.

Or how about this is Angel City? There is no such thing as night in this city.

The lights were bright and endless all night long.

"Tomorrow evening, we will definitely win." Hill said, "right?"

"no doubt."

We will definitely win.

Then they didn't speak anymore, just eating barbecue and drinking wine. After the alcohol attack, they might still be able to imagine how exciting they would be when they won.

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