Two days later, Daliang, Quzhou. This is the prefecture located at the edge of Daliang, next to Qingshan Pass, and is the same as Youzhou and Beijing. Therefore, Quzhou has always been heavily guarded, especially after Liu Xu’s army of more than 100,000 was defeated, and the guards here are even more strict. Whether it is peddlers or dignitaries, as long as they enter the territory of Quzhou, they must be strictly examined and questioned. The only female emperor in the three dynasties of Daliang still feels that there must be something strange about the demise of Liu Xu’s army of more than 100,000. Otherwise, how could the Zhou Dynasty, which is in such a turmoil, spare the time to devour hundreds of thousands of troops?


Moreover, in addition to Qingshan Pass, a pass is being built a hundred miles outside the city at the edge of Quzhou.

Once completed, it will be able to respond to Qingshan Pass, and the two passes will make Daliang as solid as a rock.

Ning Fan led the Great Snow Dragon Riders and the Eighteen Riders of Yanyun, and finally arrived at the border of Quzhou two days later.

Nearly nine hundred people are very easy to be discovered by others, so Ning Fan and others are still cautious. They have been taking detours for the past two days.

“Master, what should we do next?”

Among the Eighteen Riders of Yanyun, Mulang rode out and asked.

Ning Fan took a deep breath and looked at the pass under construction in the distance, with a gleam in his eyes.

“That’s it!”

“Back then, Daliang’s army of more than 100,000 wanted to break through our pass. Now that we are in Daliang’s territory, it would be rude not to reciprocate!”

“Remember, when you get there, only attack the officers and soldiers. As long as there is no threat, let the civilians and workers go.”

Ning Fan flicked his whip, clamped his legs together, and rushed forward first.

War is extremely cruel.

As the saying goes, kindness cannot lead an army. When you sit in that position, your every move, even your insignificant idea, may determine the life and death of hundreds of thousands of people!

So, as long as you sit in that position, you must abandon all so-called morality, kindness, and even humanity!

But at the moment, although Ning Fan and his team are deep in the enemy, it is not an important battle. What he wants to kill is the enemy’s soldiers, not the civilians.

He is very clear about this.

A pass is actually a huge city, but it has a different function.

In all dynasties, building a city has always been a job that scares the people.

The court said it was very good, providing food and accommodation, and monthly wages.

But once you get there, you have no say in life or death.

It’s okay if you meet a good official, at least you have food and clothing, and your wages will not be deducted, but you just need to work hard.

However, if you meet those corrupt officials… it’s like falling into the abyss of hell.

Not to mention that you are not well fed and clothed, you don’t know how many layers of deductions have been made when your wages are in your hands.

And the workers who are currently building the pass are facing this situation!

Dozens of workers with bare upper bodies are standing opposite the two thousand households at this moment, their faces are full of humility, but their eyes are filled with unsuppressible anger.

“Sir, we really have no money. Many of us are sick. If we don’t have money to see a doctor, they will die. Please have mercy!”

The leading man, who was in his forties, walked to the front of the thousand households and kowtowed.

A thousand households glanced at him and sneered: “It’s not the day yet, why give me money? Get out of here, get back to work!”

“Feng Laosi, I’m warning you, if you can’t complete the progress this month, I’ll peel off your skin!”

The eyes of these workers turned red instantly.

“Why don’t you pay us? The court gives us two coins a month, but why do we get less than one coin?”

“We are not even allowed to eat enough food, and we have to buy it with our own money!”

“Yes, those who don’t bring money have to eat leaves and bark, and starve to death?”

“Give us the wages we deserve, otherwise, I will never forgive you even if I sue you in the capital!”

For a while, the crowd was indignant.

Seeing the dozens of workers opposite with angry eyes, the two thousand households were not afraid at all, but laughed contemptuously.

One man stood up, holding a whip in his hand, and walked to the front of the crowd: “What, do you still want to go to the capital to file a complaint?”

“I will whip you to death!”


A whip hit hard.

After going down, a worker’s skin was torn apart in an instant. This whip was specially customized. No one could bear it after one whip.

“Why do you treat us like this!”

“We are not prisoners, we are workers!”

“Yes, why do you beat us!”

The workers were completely angry.

In the distance, some workers who were working also stopped their work at this time. Looking at this scene below, everyone’s heart was moved.

The group of people who did not go down were also persecuted. They just didn’t dare to speak and wanted to swallow their anger. That’s all.

However, after seeing this scene in front of them, the nameless fire in their hearts burned instantly.


“You are trash in my eyes!”

“I’ll say one last word, get back to work immediately!”

“If you dare to shout here again, you will be punished according to your crime!”

Qianhu held the whip in his hand with disdain on his face.

Withhold their silver?

Nonsense, if they don’t deduct money, where will they get the money to spend on wine and women?

“Sir, please have mercy on us, we don’t want the silver, but they are already very sick, we really can’t delay it any longer.”

“You can take them back to the city and find someone to treat them, otherwise they will die.”

Feng Si, the leader, was extremely humble.

Several of his co-workers were very ill, but they couldn’t even get the money for medical treatment because the silver was deducted by the higher-ups.


“What does it have to do with me whether he dies or not, he is my son?”

“Get out, get out of here right now!”

The captain cursed impatiently.

Feng Si knelt on the ground with a plop, grabbing the captain’s official boots with both hands: “Sir, please, have mercy.”

Snap! ! !

The next second, the captain whipped Feng Si with a whip.

A whip left a blood mark.

“Let go immediately, or I’ll beat you to death!”

The captain cursed.

But Feng Si held on tightly, motionless.


“You’re looking for death, right? I’ll beat you to death!”

The captain swung at Feng Si like crazy, using all his strength every time.

Blood quickly grew from Feng Si’s body.

His head was also smashed and bleeding by the captain’s whip.


It was so red!

The workers were so angry when they saw it.

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