Huang Feng summarized his current situation.


He felt that he was standing next to a deep abyss, with a howling wind beside him. He didn’t need anyone to push him. He might be blown into the abyss in the next second.

Then, he would be smashed to pieces!

He was even desperate now and didn’t even want to resist.

Solving himself seemed to be the best choice for him. Otherwise, if he was caught by the court’s soldiers, he would be worse off than dead.


Just as Huang Feng’s heart began to collapse, an arrow shadow tore through the sky like thunder, landed steadily in front of him, and pierced the ground.


Huang Feng’s face changed drastically, he stood up suddenly and screamed in panic.

All around, those defeated soldiers had hollow eyes, and they also had deep fear. They got up from the ground tremblingly, holding weapons in their hands, and looked around.

Amid Huang Feng’s terrifying shout, the surroundings were still extremely quiet, without even a little movement.

This made Huang Feng realize that it was not the soldiers who were chasing him.

He lowered his head and re-examined the arrow in front of him.

He suddenly found that there was a piece of paper wrapped around the arrow. He hurriedly took the paper off and opened it, but he was embarrassed to find that he could not read.

“Come, read it to me.”

Huang Feng handed the note to the dog-headed military advisor beside him. Fortunately, there was a literate person beside him, otherwise, none of the hundreds of them would really understand it.

“The place where the army started, Ning Fan.”

The dog-headed military advisor was confused after reading it.

“General, this place where the army started… I may understand. The general meaning is that it should be the place where you started the army a year ago.”

“But what is this Ning Fan?”

The dog-headed military advisor was puzzled.

But when Huang Feng heard this, his face suddenly became overjoyed. His eyes were full of bright light and he was extremely excited.


Immediately, Huang Feng kicked the guy in front of him to the ground: “Remember this, Ning Fan is not a thing, he is your ancestor!”

“Okay, okay, he is finally here. This time we are saved, we are saved, brothers, let’s go!”

Quzhou, a hundred miles outside Jiancheng.

The half-built pass still stands in the afterglow of the sunset. Since more than a year ago, when Huang Feng and others killed several officials and started an uprising here, this wave of chaos has not completely stopped.

Before Ning Fan left, Huang Feng seemed to have already won the battle, holding more than 20,000 troops, and he was so proud.

As a result, with Ning Fan’s departure, the more than 20,000 troops were reduced to only a few hundred people at this time.

But no matter what, Huang Feng was not caught, and the matter was not over.

When Ning Fan and others arrived here, they looked at the Banla Pass in the distance and sighed a little.

Times have changed!

“Master, why do we have to wait for the rebel leader in Daliang?”

Mulang, one of the Eighteen Riders of Yanyun, came out and asked with some doubts.

From the news from the dome, it can be seen that the guy named Huang Feng is already in decline and may be captured at any time.

And he no longer has the previous troops in his hands, and there are only a few hundred people left by his side.

This force… To put it bluntly, the Eighteen Riders of Yanyun can send them all to hell in one round trip.

But Ning Fan asked the people in the dome to send a message to Huang Feng to come here.

Ning Fan rode on the back of the Snowland Wild Lion and shook his head with a smile: “If it’s just us, then for the people of Daliang, we are foreign enemies.”

“Once the war breaks out, we are equivalent to fighting against an entire dynasty.”

“Don’t talk about us, even if the guy from Wudi City who has been invincible for hundreds of years comes, he will be trapped and die in Daliang.”

Ning Fan’s eyes are a little deep.

“But if there is this guy, it will become their own civil strife.”

Ning Fan shook his head and smiled.

“At any time, no matter how heroic the emperor is, he can’t guarantee that there will be fairness everywhere in his territory, and naturally there will be people who are dissatisfied.”

“What we have to do is to use this momentum to make the fire in Daliang burn thoroughly!”

“Huang Feng, it seems useless, but in fact, his role is still very big.”

Ning Fan’s smile gradually turned cold.

Again, if Dong Puti makes him unhappy, then he will make the whole of Daliang unhappy!

Moreover, when he arrived in Daliang, the

The kindness of the son can be completely put away.

In the Great Zhou, even during the war in the north, he would specifically instruct his troops not to harass the people at will and to minimize the losses of the people as much as possible.

After all, that was also his hometown.

And in the future, if he was too cruel, it would not be of any benefit to conquer the world.

But in the Great Zhou…anyone who threatens them, regardless of gender, age or young, can’t survive!

This is the law of survival!

This is the cruelty that they must do as warriors!

Late at night.

Ning Fan and others were still resting on a piece of grass. It was far away from the city, a full hundred miles away, and generally no one would come here to wander around.

So for most of the day, no one found Ning Fan and others.

The wind in late autumn was very cold and biting.

But for Ning Fan and others, it had no effect at all.

The bonfire roared, occasionally blowing the firewood that had turned into charcoal, stirring up clusters of flames.

“Master, here we come!”

Wood Wolf came from a distance and whispered in Ning Fan’s ear.

Ning Fan just nodded gently without even raising his eyelids.

Not far away, Huang Feng and hundreds of others walked cautiously in the dark, each of them wearing tattered clothes and their faces turned purple from the cold.

Looking around, they didn’t look like rebels at all, but a group of Beggars’ Sect disciples.

“Fire, General, there’s a fire ahead!”

Beside Huang Feng, the dog-headed military advisor shouted excitedly after seeing the fire not far away.

In the middle of the night, under the pitch-black night, even a ray of fire seemed very dazzling.

“Keep your voice down. If you attract the soldiers again, I will skin you alive!”

Huang Feng slapped the dog-headed military advisor on the head and gritted his teeth.

He was scared. He was really scared.

He was surrounded by soldiers countless times, but he was still alive. He was lucky.

“But there is the old man in front. What are we afraid of?”

The dog-headed military advisor muttered aggrievedly.

Huang Feng’s eyes lit up: “Yes, he is here. What am I afraid of? Let’s go, brothers, straighten your backs!”

After a moment, when a silver light shone in the dark night, the surprise on Huang Feng’s face could not be stopped.

“It’s them!”

“It’s them!”

Huang Feng seemed to have seen a life-saving straw. He danced excitedly and rushed forward like crazy.

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