The two sides have been in a state of panic, and the two sides have been in a state of panic.


Ning Fan heard these two words and a playful smile suddenly appeared on his face.

If you say so, then I won’t be sleepy.

“What kind of truce do you mean?”

Ning Fan asked with interest.

Granny Yinhua smiled and said, “Han Qinhu attacked Liangzhou without any reason. You, the Grand Commander, will not give up and will have to fight.”

“Besides, it is a time of chaos. You and Han Qinhu, a tyrant in troubled times, will have to fight sooner or later!”

“So, my Qingcheng Mountain will not ruin the fight between your two families. It’s just that the truce I mentioned this time is for another purpose.”

After a pause, Granny Yinhua continued.

“You, Ning Fan, the Grand Commander of Youzhou, have good cultivation and amazing fighting power, but you are only one person after all. You don’t have three heads and six arms. Although you are brave, you can’t be alone.”

“So I thought about it. My Qingcheng Mountain is a famous family in the world. We can’t use the majority to bully the minority.”

“So, from now on, as long as you, the Grand Commander, don’t take action, my Qingcheng Mountain will immediately stop assisting Han Qinhu. How about it?”

“Of course, the assistance I mentioned means that all the great saints in my Qingcheng Mountain will not help Han Qinhu in this war.”

Ning Fan smiled, and tears splashed everywhere.

“If the great saints don’t take action, other strong men will naturally take action. You mean, I alone can exchange for the truce of all the great saints in your entire Qingcheng Mountain, right?”

Grandma Yinhua nodded repeatedly.

Look, he is the Grand Commander of Youzhou after all, and his understanding level is high.

“I want to ask, how many great saints do you have in Qingcheng Mountain?” Ning Fan’s smile gradually turned cold.

Granny Yinhua raised her chin proudly: “If you dare to compete with Longhu Mountain, how can you have such qualifications if there are not dozens of great saints in the mountain?”

Dozens of great saints!

This number, just saying it out, can scare some forces to death!

This is definitely not a joke. For example, Fengyun Sect has dominated Liangzhou for so many years, but there are only a few great saints in the sect, and there are only three!

But Qingcheng Mountain has dozens of them. This number can stop hundreds of thousands of troops!

Great saints are very rare!

But you can’t bear him to live long. For example, the resources of top sects like Qingcheng Mountain are so many that even if there is only one great saint every fifty years, there are still many great saints in the sect.

And this situation will become more and more serious as time goes by, which will form a situation in the world that the stronger a sect is, the stronger it will be in the future.

Unless there is an unpredictable disaster and the entire sect is wiped out, otherwise, the development speed will be faster and faster.

Ning Fan nodded: “It’s indeed quite a lot. According to what you said, if there is a truce, I will definitely take advantage.”

“However, the dozens of great saints in your sect can’t all be ninth-level saints, right?”

Ning Fan’s eyes suddenly became sharp.

Grandma Yinhua’s expression gradually became gloomy as Ning Fan said this.

“Ning Fan, what do you mean!”

“I want to give you this fair opportunity in Qingcheng Mountain, so I came here. Don’t refuse to drink a toast!”

“In addition, to tell you the truth, this time I came to ask you to truce, not only for fairness, but also to give you a great opportunity!”

Ning Fan sneered: “Come on, come on, tell me what the great opportunity you are talking about is. If you can’t say one, two, three, don’t blame me for being rude!”

Grandma Yinhua was completely confused!

What happened!

Wasn’t it fine just now? Why did Ning Fan’s attitude change so much all of a sudden!

Granny Yinhua took a deep breath and frowned at Ning Fan: “Ning Fan, this is the top secret in my Qingcheng Mountain. It should have been known after this battle.”

“But now that you asked, I will tell you in advance.”

“Knowing that Han Qinhu was at a disadvantage in the battle with Jiang Lan, but he did not go back to recuperate, but turned around and rushed to Liangzhou?”

Ning Fan sneered: “I know.”

“It’s right that you don’t know, then I will tell you, I…”

“What? You know?”

Granny Yinhua suddenly came back to her senses and looked at Ning Fan with a look of shock on her face. Her two cloudy eyeballs were about to fly out.

“You Qingcheng Mountain, didn’t you see Han Qinhu being frustrated again and again, and felt that it was very unstable to put the treasure on him.”

“So, in this Liangzhou battle, he is just a pawn in the hands of your Qingcheng Mountain.


“The purpose is to see if I, Ning Fan, can withstand this wave of impact!”

“If I can withstand it, I will be qualified to let you, Qingcheng Mountain, bet on me.”

“If I can’t withstand it, Han Qinhu will successfully pass your test and continue to be your only assistant!”

“Am I right or wrong?”

Ning Fan didn’t hesitate at all and directly said the result.

After the words fell, the room was dead silent.

Granny Yinhua looked at Ning Fan with fear. She could never have imagined that Ning Fan was so thorough about this matter!

But this is the top secret of Qingcheng Mountain!

Even some ordinary great saints can’t get in touch with it. Where did Ning Fan know it?


No, there is an undercover of Ning Fan in the high-level of Qingcheng Mountain!

This was Granny Yinhua’s first reaction. Otherwise, how could Ning Fan know so much about it.

“How do you know if there is a spy planted in my Qingcheng Mountain? Tell me! ”

At this moment, Granny Yinhua’s eyebrows were all raised, and her eyes were full of violence.

Ning Fan glanced at Granny Yinhua with contempt: “Don’t think you are too smart, and don’t treat everyone in the world as a fool.”

“I am not the only one who guessed Qingcheng Mountain’s thoughts.”

“If I guessed correctly, Zhenbei King Yang Xiao and the cabinet in the court should have seen through it.”

Ning Fan’s words were like a basin of cold water poured on Granny Yinhua’s head.

Obviously they were very cautious, afraid that others would know, and they were doing it in secret. After all, it involved the future of Qingcheng Mountain, and they dared not be careless.

As a result, everyone knew it?


“Me, Han Qinhu, the two of us, turned out to be chess pieces in the hands of Qingcheng Mountain, allowing you to manipulate us. Tsk tsk, Qingcheng Mountain is so bold! ”


Ning Fan was furious, and his roar was as powerful as thunder, hitting Granny Yinhua’s heart like thunder.

“Do you really think that with dozens of great saints in your hands, you can look down on all living beings?”

“Do you really think that with invincible combat power, you can control the world?”

“If you think so, then the old guy in Wudi City would have unified the three dynasties long ago?”

“Go ask him why he stays in Wudi City instead of fighting for the world?”

“Is he really indifferent to fame and fortune?”


“I tell you, this world is complicated!”

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